Chapter 4: Text Message

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Kayla's POV:

     He was gone, when I woke up he wasn't there. He had left me in the hospital while he went to his concert, without me. This made me sort of pissed, but I guess that's what I get for swallowing too much pool water. I was sitting in my hospital bed watching Gossip Girl, when my phone buzzed signaling that I had a text. I opened my phone to see that Harry had texted me, this caused me to smile, but I don't know why.

'Hey, are you alright?'he had texted. He worried about me, I looked and saw that Niall hadn't texted me. Not even once since I got here, I felt a tight pinch in my stomach. What was I thinking?! I had only been here for a day or two, I'm just over reacting.

'Yeah, I'm fine. Kinda lonely right now, but oh well. Shouldn't you be performing right now?' I texted back. This time it took him a little longer to text back.

'That's terrible, we'll come and get you as soon as we can! Hang in there little soldier! Haha :P  Yeah, I'm texting you between breaks. Gotta go, talk to you later? ;)'  Gosh was he cheeky, I sighed and accepted his offer before shutting off my phone. I quickly drifted into a deep sleep.

'A drop in the ocean,

A change in the weather,

I was praying that you and me might end up together.

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven.' I woke to hear Niall singing, his voice was like little angels making cotton candy.. Okay that sounded weird.. but his voice was heavenly. 

"Oh, your up." he said with a smile on his face, he was beautiful. "How are you feeling?"

"Why would you want to know, since you didn't care enough to text." I snapped, the tight pinch returning to my stomach.

"What do you mean? I didn't have time to text, I had a concert." he defended himself.

"Well Harry had time.." I said, but once I said it I wish I didn't. His eyes widened, his face blank, he didn't respond.

"You can go now." the nurse said coming into the room. I thanked her, then asked Niall to leave so I could get dressed, he slugged out the door. I changed back into some of the clothes that Harry had gotten from my suitcase at the hotel, but not before taking some pictures of himself with my bra on. He had absolutely no fashion sense, he chose a stripped shirt with a flowery skirt and some boots. It was completely horrid.

"What are you wearing?" Louis asked as I came out of the room, I rolled my eyes. And shot a death glare at Harry, he giggled at how bad I looked. "You poor girl." We exited the hospital and back into the pedophile van, if I haven't mentioned the pedophile van before it's basically a white van that you would see pedophiles riding around in. It creeped me out. Ever since I snapped at Niall he hasn't said one word, I felt bad but I stood my ground. I wasn't gonna let him win this one, like every other one. We were finally back to the hotel, the whole ride felt like a ghost town, nobody spoke because usually it was me and Niall who started conversation. But since we weren't really talking there wasn't anyone to start one. We exited the van and went into the warmth of the hotel.

"Welcome back." the front desk man said as we entered the lobby, I have him a smile then continued up to our room. The boys went their own ways, as I stood in the middle of the hall way, as Niall shut and locked our door. He was mad, the pinching went from my stomach to my throat. I let a tear slip down my cheek, this wasn't our first fight but this was the first serious fight that we've been in, the others were about stupid things. Like who got the last cookie, or what TV channel we should watch. I sighed and went over to Harry's room, and knocked on his door. Tears over spilling their boundaries, I probably looked like hell. It took him less then ten seconds to open the door, see me crying, and bringing me into a big bear hug. I could smell his cologne, and his fabric softener. He smelled perfect, I felt his muscles tighten around my waist as I continued to cry. His 'Sushes' filled my ears, tickling my skin. After I was completely dried out, I got a little woozy, so he picked me up bridal style and brought me into his room. He set me down on his bed, and tucked me in. He was about to leave but I grabbed his arm and pulled him into bed with me.

Harry's POV:

       As I tucked her into bed, I began to walk away but I felt a tug on my arm. I realized that she wanted me with her, so I got into the bed and snuggled close to her. There wasn't one place I would rather be, but right here, with her. She smelled like cinnamon and vanilla, she smelled perfect. She was perfect. I only just met her but, everything about her makes me happy. Every time I'm near her I feel like there's no one else but us. But I know how Niall feels about her, heck everyone does, except her. And I have a feeling that she feels the same way about him, otherwise why would she be crying over him this much. I know they had a fight, but usually you would just cry for a second and then try and make it better. Or is that just me? I've never really had too many arguements with my friends, maybe because for the last two years my friends have been my band mates. I don't know what I would do if I got into a fight with one of them, so I have to stay away from Kayla. For Niall's sake, even though it pains me just to think about it. After tonight, I will try everything in my power to make them realized their feelings for each other.

A/N: Okay, so this one is sort of short.. but I had writer's block so sorry!! But I'll try to update some time in the next week. Because I'm going to my mom's coference, and I'll be in a hotel for like 4-5 days so I'll try to update while I'm there! Sorry that this chapter sucked so much, I really tried to make it interesting but I failed.. :(. Tell me what you think below, and don't forget to fan and vote! :) <3 love ya!

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