Chapter 3: Trouble Breathing

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Kayla's POV:

        Once we got back to the hotel, Paul made sure I got into the hotel room before going back to the boy's signing. It was lonely inside the hotel room, which I should of guessed since I was the only one there. I made my way over to the couch, and turned on the TV.

"I'm here at the West Center Mall, where there are thousands of screaming girls waiting to get a glimpse at their idols, One Direction." the newscaster said into her mic, in the background I saw two familiar faces. Bitch#1 and Bitch#2. This made me upset, and a little pissed off. I turned the TV off and began to wonder the halls of the hotel looking for something to do.

"Hello, may I help you?" the front desk man asked, as I approached the desk.

"Do you guys have a pool?" I questioned, looking around for a pool sign. There was none.

"Yes we do, it's down that hallway to your right." he said directing me down a hallway to my left.

"Thanks!" I said with a smile, I went upstairs and put on my bathing suit before going down to the pool. My swim suit was a bikini with red strips and fringe around the top. Once down there, I set my towel on one of the deck chairs and stripped down to my swim suit. The pool was empty, which I expected since it was a Tuesday everyone was probably out doing something. I walked over to the diving board and bounced a couple of times before plunging straight into the water with a graceful movement. I quickly surfaced, and wiped the water away from my eyes and began doing laps.

Niall's POV:

         After the signing, we decided to pick up some food for Lala so we went to the best place in the world. Nando's.

"Ahh, Niall welcome back! Usual?" the clerk said as we entered the restaurant, gaining me a few questionable looks from the guys.

"What? I like to eat!" I defended myself. We got the food and made our way back to the hotel, with paparazzi on our heels.

"Niall!" I heard a familiar voice yelled out, it was Kayla. She was drenched, with a towel around her.

"Lala, what's wrong? Why are you--" she didn't get me time to ask, she just opened the towel to reveal her bathing suit. I felt my face turn red, I heard Harry chuckle cheekily over my shoulder. She wrapped her towel around her once more, and rolled her eyes.

"I was doing laps, we I heard a camera go off. The next thing I know I'm surrounded by men with cameras asking me stupid questions." she explained, that explains the bathing suit and her hair.

"Wait you're not suppose to be in water with your cast.." I said, looking down at her hand.

"I don't care, I wanted to go swimming." she said, this made me laugh. She never really cared for the rules.

"Come on let's get you inside, before you freeze to death." I said, wrapping my arm around her and bringing her close, I could feel the coolness of her skin meet the warmth of mine. It stung, but in a good way. I could hear her teeth chattering as we walked back around the front of the hotel. I brought her closer as we made it to the swarms of paparazzi, finally we made it indoors. Into the nice warm building, but I didn't want to let go of Lala but I did anyway. I didn't want her to think I like her, even though I did..

Kayla's POV:

      He let go way too fast, I wanted him to stay there and hold me tight until all the cold was gone. I wanted him to know how much I needed him, how much I needed his warmth. We made our way back up to our hotel rooms, even though I would've liked to do more swimming. But I had a feeling the paparazzi would be waiting for me, or any of the boys. So I stayed with the flow and went to the room.

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