Chapter 2: Concert Frenzy

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Kayla's POV:

           "Lala, come on Lala we're going to be late." I heard a sweet voice say, as my eyes fluttered opened. They met the bright blue eyes of Niall, as I let out a scream of surprise. "What? It's just me."

"You scared me half to death, Nialler!" I yelled, throwing my pillow at him earning me a chuckle. I looked over to the side table to see that the clock only read, 5:33 am really Nialler really? "It's only 5:33, Niall James Horan I need to sleep!"

"Uh-Oh, I heard Niall's middle name." Zayn said entering the room, they were both still in their PJs but had normal shoes on. I felt cold air sting my feet as Niall lifted the covers off them and shove my shoes on. He then took me into his arms and left the room. I could feel his warmth as we walking outdoors. I flinched, he brought me closer to his chest. I ignored the cold and just kept focusing on his heart beat, thump, thump, thump. We were in the car when I fell asleep in Niall's arms for the second time.

Niall's POV:

        Once we had gotten into the car, Kayla had already fell asleep. I felt bad for dragging her out of bed, but I wasn't my idea it was Louis. He said if he didn't get his beauty sleep neither did Kayla, we had a good chuckle about that this morning. We were going to the concert hall, to prepare for our first concert which started at 10 am.

"How is she?" I heard Harry ask from beside me, I looked over to see his eyes locked on her sleeping face. This sort of made me upset, but I shook the feeling and focused on answering his question.

"She fine, but she was upset that I woke her up at 5:30." I said finishing with a slight giggle.

"She looks so peaceful." Harry said, I looked back down at Lala. He was right, she looked peaceful. Everything about her showed the look of complete and total relaxation, her face made her look like she didn't have a care in the world.

"We're here boys." Paul said, as the van came to a complete stop. We all looked outside to see a big white stadium, with about twenty or so security guards walking around getting ready for the concert.

Kayla's POV:

              I woke up to find that Niall's warmth was gone, and replaced with a not as warm and caring blanket. I looked around to find that I was in a dressing room, I could see different people rushing back and forth outside of the room. They were talking into little mics, and directing people around. I looked to my right to find a note addressed to me. It read:

            Morning Lala,

Here's something to wear to our concert, I thought you would look good in it. Put in on and then find Paul. He'll show you to your seat.

Love ya! Nialler <3

           His signature made shivers go down my spine, but I knew it was only my head playing tricks on me. I looked to where the note had been, to see a beautiful blue blouse and some black jeans. I got up and shut the door and changed into the outfit Niall had picked out, I had to admit he knew fashion.. I wonder if Louis helped him.. I slipped on my sandals and made my way out of the dressing room to find Paul.

           I found Paul next to the food table with five other security guards, stuffing their faces with donuts. This made me smile, it made them look like cops. Which technically they were right?

"Hey, Paul.." I said, with a hint of laughter in my voice.

"Oh, hey Kayla.." He said with a mouth full of donuts, he quickly swallowed and washed it down with some Gatorade. "Ready to go to your seat?" I gave him a smile and then we were on our way to my seat. My seat was up front with some of  the other fans, they soon recognized me. A couple of them asked me for a picture, some of them didn't talk just stood there in surprise, and two of them rolled their eyes and looked somewhere else. I could care less what they thought of me, they were the ones who had to pay for their tickets. While I had mine before the went on sale.

After waiting which seemed like forever, the boys came on stage. They were all smiles, as the crowd began to scream. Eventually I joined in on the insanity, this made Niall and the rest of the boys smile. They started out with What Makes You Beautiful, and we all sang along and danced around. It was brilliant, after a couple more songs it was time for twitter questions.

"Here's one from Isabella, 'who's you favorite person in the world other than Family and each other?'" Niall read. "So boys?"

"I would have to say my cat Dusty(Molly)." Harry responded.

"I would say my beautiful girlfriend, Danielle." Liam said with a smile, "Same for you Lou?"

"Yes, definitely." Louis responded, smiling.

"Same." Zayn said a smile brightening up his face. "How about you Niall?"

"I would have to say my best friend, Kayla." he said, I could feel my face turn red when the crowd cooed Aww. For the rest of the concert mine and Niall's eyes were locked on each other, we occasionally broke contact because of complete embarrassment but after a couple of seconds we would make contact again. Once the concert was over I tried to make my way to the back of concert hall, but the two girl from before blocked my way. I tried to go around them but they would just block me again.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked, a little pissed.

"Who do you think you are?" One of them squealed, her voice was really annoying.

"I think I'm Kayla." I sassed back, I was getting sick and tired of these girls.

"Do you want to know what we think you are?" the other one began, her voice way more annoying than the first's.

"Not really, because I know they're just lies." I said, looking over them trying to see if there's anyway around them. There was none.

"We think you're just a self seeking whore, and should stay away from Niall. Because we can't have him get infections from being around you." the first one said, looking me up and down.

"Is that it?" I asked getting bored with the conversation, and wanting to go and see Niall.

"Uh, you're so rude!"

"Yeah, I don't see why Niall keeps you around. We're way prettier and skinnier than you!" The second one agreed.

"How about you girls get going, before I have security do it for me." a male voice say from behind me, I turned to see Harry standing there with a scowl on his face.

"OMG it's Harry!" they yelled in unison, causing my eyes to roll on instinct.

"Come on Kayla." he said taking my hand and pulling me out of the concert hall. Once we were out of the concert hall I pulled him to a stop.

"What was that? I could've handled them!" I said, as Harry turned to face me.

"I know you could have, but I couldn't have."

"What do you mean?" this made him shift uncomfortably, like he didn't want to say it.

"I hated how they were talking to you, I could'nt have handled it if you continued." he said, looking at the ground trying not to make eye contact.

"Hey guys, so you found her!" Niall said coming around the corner, I ran and jumped into his arms. I looked over to Harry who looked at us and then left with a upset look on his face."Where did Harry go?" he asked as soon as we let go.

"Uhh, I don't know.." I half lied. "What now?"

"I have to go to a signing with the boys. I didn't think you would want to come, it can be pretty boring.."

"Yeah, sounds boring.." I said ending with a laugh, "I'll see you at the hotel?"

"Yep." he said popping the p. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then went to find Paul. I found him again by the food table, this time with a hot dog in his mouth. (Okay, that sounds really dirty but I didn't mean it like that!! xD)

"Should I come back another time?" I asked, shifting uncomforably.

"Uhh, no. Do you need a ride?" I nodded. "Okay, just give me one sec." he shoved the rest of the hot dog into his mouth and swallowed. (Again that sound dirty, even though it wasn't suppose to. xD) We got into the van and then made our way back to the hotel with the thousands of screams fading behind us.

A/N: I hope you like it! I tried to make it a longer chapter, so I hope you like it! Haha I hope I did the concert right, because I've never been to one.. so if it's wrong srry!! Don't forget to comment and vote! I love to hear your feedback! :D

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