Chapter 7: Nothing I Do Better

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Harry's POV:

I woke up to her beautiful face sleeping peacefully on the pillow next to me, her knees tucked to her stomach. Last night was amazing, but she should be with Niall. He had texted me, a couple of minutes after Kayla fell asleep. He was worried sick, of course I told him where she was, but that she needed some time alone. Obviously he was upset, but accepted it and stop texting me.

"H-Harry?" Kayla said waking up, she stretched her legs out causing all of the warmth to leave her and be replaced with cold. She shivered and cuddled closer to me. I could feel her breathing, and the thump thump thump of her heart.

"Yeah?" I said stroking her hair, as her eyes remained closed.

"What time is it?" she asks tiredly, you could practically hear the yawn in her voice.

"9:30." I replied.

"Good, can we go and get something to eat?"

"Is that your way of asking me out?" I teased, while twisting a strand of her hair.

"Maybe." she said smiling, then giving me a kiss on the nose.

"Well let's go then." I said also smiling, then giving her a kiss on her neck, she giggled then got up to get ready. I still felt guilty about being with Kayla, when we all knew how Niall felt about her. It's just something about her makes me want to ignore what the obvious is and just do what I please.

"Ready? Come on Harry you have to get ready too!" Kayla complained, she had a floral shirt with a pair of purple skinny jeans. Yellow converse topping off the look, with a messy bun on her head.

I laughed, and started looking through my drawers for something to wear.  I decided on some jeans and a white V- neck shirt. I felt her eyes on me the whole time I was getting changed, I would occasionally glance over to her giving her a questionable look. This made her blush and look away but as soon as I focused back on changing, I felt her eyes on me again.

"Let's go." I said taking her hand, and leading her out of the hotel room. Good thing it was too early for Niall to be up, so we snuck into the elevator and exited the hotel with ease. "So how did you sleep?" I asked as we walked through the streets of the city we were in, still hanging tight onto her hand.

"Great. What about you?" she said, her cheeks a bright shade of red. Almost as red as her hair, she was adorable.

"Perfect, amazingly perfect." I said answering her real question, "Did she do a good job.". A smile flashed onto her face, her hand tightened around mine. "So where do you want to eat?"

"McDonald's. I love their pancakes." she said, as we turned to see a McDonald's at the end of the street. We eventually got to the indoor warmth, and ordered. Once we had our food we went to a table, and I was determined to find out what had happened last night.

"What exactly happened last night?" I asked getting right to the point, I watched as her smiling face turned into a expressionless zombie.

"It was nothing." she said, taking a sip of her mocha.

"It didn't seem like nothing, it seemed like a big deal."

"Well you were mistaken."


Kayla's POV:

"Lala." he said, using my nickname. He never called me Lala, he always called me Kayla. Now I knew he was serious. But that doesn't mean I want to tell him, I mean it was about Niall. It would just be awkward.

"Why do I have to tell you?!" I snapped, my voice cracking. I hated yelling at him, it made me just want to break down and apologize forever.

He cleared his throat before saying, "Because I love you. And I'm worried." He had said it. He loved me. I looked to see if he was lying, his eyes held strong. He was serious.

"Now I really can't tell you."

"Why? Was this too soon? Sorry, maybe I shouldn't of--"

"NO! I love you too, it's because I love you that I can't tell you."

"It's Niall isn't it." How could he know? I mean I haven't told anyone how I felt about Niall. Not even my teddy bear.

"N-No." I lied. Maybe he would believe me. But his face didn't look hopeful.

"Just tell me, I don't want to live with it constantly hanging over my head." he pleaded.

"He kissed a total stranger yesterday, while we were having dinner." I said, instantly wishing I hadn't. He nodded, and took my hand in his gigantic hands.

"It's fine, it doesn't bother me. I knew that's the way you felt about him when I first saw you."

"Then why did you--"

"I couldn't help myself, you're just too..." he said thinking about the word to use. "Addictive."

"Addictive. 500,000 descriptive words in the English Language, and you use addictive." I said, laughing. He chuckled, and then stared at the ground.

"It's true though. I find myself drawn to you more and more, the more I see you." he said looking up at me, his eyes were so beautiful and green. But they looked so sad and lonely at the same time. "But even though you belong to Niall." he said under his breath, but I still heard. I decided against asking him about it, I didn't want to get into this too much.

"When's your next concert?" I question trying to get off the topic.

"Saturday. We're going to Phoenix." he said with a smile, I was glad that he had accepted my subject change and that we didn't have to talk about it.

"It's about time, it feels like we've been here for ages." I said intertwining my fingers with his, he chuckled and looked at me with a smile.


I heard a camera flash, me and Harry turn to find a paparazzi had taken pictures of us holding hands. Shit. Harry immediately got up and took the camera from him and deleted all the photos. But not without the small plump man jumping up and down trying to snatch the camera away from Harry. But it was too late to save the pictures, they were deleted. 

"Hey! Some of us have to make a living!" the plump man complained leaving.

"Why thank you sir!" I said standing up and curtsying.

"There's nothing I do better, my lady!" He said bowing, we both laughed then exited McDonald's to go back into the cold weather. This morning was amazing, I wonder what the rest of the day will be like.


A/N: Okay, I hope you liked it!! :D I really loved writing scene's from Harla, but I think I should write some scene's with Liall. What do you think? :D Thanks for commenting and voting!! DON'T STOP!! :D Comment below what you liked and what you didn't! (I can take some critisism!! :D)


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