Chapter 7 - Sick -

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I woke up from my comfortable bed, but I felt my head aching so bad, making me groan.

Ugh.. I think I might have a fever, but why?      Ohhhhhhhhh..... I think I remember now, I think it was from last night when I was walking home...

           - FLASHBACK -

Finally... Our survival test is done, AND I passed! Of course, along with Sasuke and Naruto. And no more Sakura!

I was wondering around the lonely dark streets in Konoha, you know, to relax..

Our practice sure hurt my body, though I didn't even do that much, I guess it's fine since I'm new to all of this stuff.

I was looking over at the sky which had flying ravens wondering in the night, the soft whistles of the wind was heard making my hair dance with the cold breeze, and the sounds of trees swaying.

I took a sigh and continued to walk. Wow. It's getting pretty cloudy here, though it's already sundown.

Then I felt small droplets of water fall from the sky, hitting my head first from the light drop. I think it's raining...

Aw man... Why?? Why today?? Gods, please help...

I just walked the whole way since I was too tired to run, trust me, my legs were hurt pretty bad, there were a couple of bruises on my knees, and a little but of scratches too.

I opened my door and felt my wet clothes drop a few droplets of water, hitting my newly cleaned floor.

Since I was too lazy, I only changed my clothes and only dried myself up a little bit, I wore my white nightgown and I was still wet from the cold rain.

My clothes we're getting soggier the moment time passes.

And later on, I fell asleep not even bothering to dry myself up properly...

           - PRESENT -

Enough of that, i can't change time anyways, and besides, I did what I did.

I slowly stood up from my comfortable bed since I was too dizzy to walk properly. I hold on to the walls for assistance so I won't fall.

I walked towards my drawer and grabbed my thermometer inside.

I put the thermometer in my armpits, to know whether I had a fever or not. Turns out...

My temperature was 39 Celsius, aw man... What do I do now? Kakashi-sensei might think I made this all up.

But, he's a kind guy, so I think he might send Naruto?

I lied down my bed again, not even bothering to put a cold wet towel on my forehead to make myself better.

Then a series of knocks interrupted my senseless thoughts, I walked towards my door and opened it slightly, revealing a raven-haired duckbutt.

"Hey, S-Sasuke-kun.." I said with my voice still cracked, "Hi."   "What brings you here?" I asked him while getting assistance from the side of the door.

"Kakashi-sensei told me to go look after you for the day since he thought you were sick, so here I am."

He opened his arms wide, suggesting me to hug him. Aww, how sweet.

I ran towards him and glomped him, but his strong body was able to resist us from falling to the ground, awesome.

"Mmm..." I accidentally said out loud, his embrace was so comfortable that I even made that sound.

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