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so, this time i'm grounded

omg no 🥺🥺
i'm sorry

it's not your fault

it is
i didn't mean to fall asleep

we both fell asleep
i explained it to them but i guess they were still mad about me getting home at 2am the night before last
and now they come home and i'm sleeping beside a girl
it's just a bad combination

i feel so bad
i'm really sorry 🤧🤧

don't be
but i don't think we're going to be able to go see the second movie

this sucks 😪
i'm not going to see u before i leave am i??

i don't know
my mom is scary mad
my dad not so much
he just nods when she yells

i want to see u, mike 🥺🥺

i want to see you, too

maybe u can say u have a project w max and come to her house??

you want me to lie to my parents?
i think you're corrupting me

esp coming from a manwhore

your manwhore

i cringed
but i'm lowkey 🥺💓
omg wait


ur mom
omg she probably hates me
i'm cry 😭😭
mike fix this!!!!!!!!

she doesn't think that
she just needs to calm down
she's stress cleaning right now
but she's only mad at me, not you

omg she hates me doesn't she??
should i make her muffins or smth
this is terrible
ur the first guy i've ever dated and ur parents already hate me and i got u grounded

no they don't
are we dating?


you said i'm the first guy you've ever dated
which implies that we're dating

i said that?
lol weird i don't recall 🤠




yes! she's being so annoying
she won't stop teasing me abt sleeping over at ur house
she's acting like smth happened
no matter how much i tell her nothing did

well, something did happen


you kissed me

ok well, u kissed me too so

you kissed me first

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