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"actually no, she fucking doesn't."

for some reason, she wasn't even surprised when the unmistakable raspy voice of her boyfriend sounded from behind her. it was only a few moments prior, a part of her thought, 'oh, if only mike was here to hear this,' and, as luck would have it, the universe heard her snide internal comment and dealt her accordingly.

she didn't even turn around to see him, she just watched sebastian's expression morph from an arrogant smirk to something far less smug. he looked like he had forgotten how to breathe in the shock of it all.

certainly it wasn't fear because, while she adored her boyfriend and would never change a single thing about him, he wasn't some scary, made-of-muscle godlike guy. he was fairly scrawny. he had muscles, but they weren't anything to run for the hills from.

next, she felt his familiar hands come to rest of her shoulders, likely some stupid testosterone-fueled, alpha-male move. usually she would call him ridiculous for such a gesture, but in this moment, she could oversee his possessiveness. he now had actual proof that sebastian intentions were anything but friendly, proving himself right all along.

he hands massaged her shoulders absentmindedly as he forced a polite smile. "i assume you're sebastian?"

sebastian wore his shock on his face, too disoriented to hide it. upon confessing his unrequited feelings to the girl in front of him, he never imagined her boyfriend (residing over 2 hours away) would appear out of nowhere. this wasn't one of the possible outcomes he had prepared for.

"um, yes. you're-you're mike?" he returned, very obviously uncomfortable with the sudden turn of events.

el finally tilted her head up to finally see him in all his glory. forgetting the situation at hand, her stomach churned in the best possible way when she spotted her favorite ringlets covered by the dark red beanie she had previously gifted him with. his nose was rosy, proving his time spent outside in the chilly indianan air before entering the restaurant.

he nodded, narrowing his eyes. "look man, i got to ask. what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

at the blunt and vulgar question, el's flickered her gaze back to the boy seated across from her. his mouth gaped but no sound was made. he inhaled deeply before finally building up a response, "i was— we were just talking. nothing happened."

"look, motherfu—"

"mike," el finally cut in, staring up at him with his favorite doe-wide eyes. the glare he had crafted for the british boy faded upon meeting her stare. "it's fine. nothing happened," she stood up from her chair. mike grasped the purple coat the hung over the back of the chair, already holding it up for her to slip on. as she did, she threw her gaze to the seated boy, "and nothing was going to happen."

sebastian's squeezed his eyes shut at the blatant rejection. "el, i'm sorry," he apologized, the disappointment lacing his tone. "i just, i thought—"

"well, you fucking thought wrong," mike interjected, his jaw slack.

el took his hand, squeezing it lightly to redirect his cold eyes from the baffled boy. "let's go, hm?" she suggested, tugging on his hand.

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