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Months passed by and Adam always find his way to send me things that will probably cheer both of us, we called each other every night till we fall asleep, and we manage not to get attention from our parents. The school year of my freshman was almost ended and his Junior as well, next year will be his last year at our school before he flew to college which makes me nervous we're going to this relationship.

I always heard rumors about him and Jane but anytime I will ask him he just shrug it off, telling me he's just can't be mean and tell her to talk to him, instead he's trying his best to avoid her by not going to places where she is probably going to.

Last exams of the year everyone is just excited about the vacation and so am I, because I was told by one of my aunts that I can spend it too, their place which is in City of Casey and I loved staying to their place there, my cousin and uncle are cool. They're not like others in the family whom I should always live with policy everywhere. Not that I'm complaining they're just cool.

There was this famous Seaside restaurant for everyone but mostly they're a customer is a student from ours, so after school, everyone will be there to chill out before spending the longest break we're going to taste.

As I was entering the vicinity, my sight caught easily Adams group of friends in her level and another group from mine together with my brother and cousin but I'm looking for my freshmen level circle of friends instead, so I walk directly to Neil and Eden and with the other sitting on our round table, everyone was excited and planning how to spend their days before the next school year.

"Olivia, where do you plan to go this year?" Neil asked me smiling

"well, I was wondering if I can spend half of it to some relative in Casey then maybe half to my grandparents from father side." Not sure actually, I just want a break from things that bother me nowadays

"well, I remember you told me about that before,  maybe we can still meet there, I'm planning to visit some relatives their so why not give you a call and a date or whatever" rambles for his plan.

"Sure" I just agree why not, I should ask Adam later.

"wait, did you hear that James and Jane is no longer in a thing ?" Eden shares it on me, of course, his girlfriends always gossip

"Really, I've never anything from him, he'll come around anyway." I dismissed the topic of the bitch, but was a little worried about James because she's the longest girlfriend he had. Maybe I'll give him a call later.

As we were busy discussing things, I know a pair of eyes were watching me then I turn a little to my right side and saw Adam, motioning me to follow him at the back of the restaurant

"Excuse me, I'll just go to the comfort room." And follow him without being obvious but I know Jane on the other side of the table are observing so, I have to make it quick.

"What's up?" he's back are facing me while holding his phone he faced me and smile giving me a quick hug sniffing my scent. "we have to make it quick, Jane saw me and I feel like she's up to something that bitch," I told him

"Nah, don't mind her, and it's not you who talk bitch to anyone, this is the first time hon." He fires back as if he's on her side and wondering why.

"You're siding her? She just broke my best friend's heart for whatever reason I know, it's her fault." Explaining

"well, maybe she was being cheated also? Common you're not sure about the real story, I didn't talk to you about her and her ex, hon, I just want you to spend your vacation in Queensland, I already book a flight roundtrip ticket. Tell your Granny a friend of yours asked you to accompany her." He explains and plans out things.

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