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After the vacation, I decided to calm myself and pretended that I'm ok, Neil, Eden, and even James decided to hang out with us all the time and my family was wondering why a student from another school is hanging out with me, they even joke if he's courting me and I just laugh about it, James sometimes just shrug or play along to pissed me.

I know Adam was trying to reach me, but I decided to give him the silent treatment he even sends Archie to mine whenever my brother was not around, Archie will try to convince me and I just always told him I lost my phone, then he sends me one.

"Common, just give him a call or at least talk things out, he's running out of patience and he's not even in the mood all day, this past few days because you don't even let him explain, whatever the two of you's issue, just let him, please Olivia? At least do it for me your little brother." He begged and tried to convince me and give me that puppy dog shit, I have to smile at his desperation or annoyance.

"don't use that little brother Archie because you've been siding him all this time, I know he tells you all his dirty secret, now tell me about him and that bitch." I'm trying to get something from Archie because I know he maybe knows something

"Well, honestly all I know is that she likes Adam a lot dude, But the important thing is Adam doesn't like her and of all people, you shouldn't doubt that. He's just making you jealous and I know he overdoes it." He explains to me and I was hurt because he allowed her an inch to get along tsk!

"I don't care if he like her or not the problem is he spends time with her and he didn't tell me he lied to me! and the nerve of him using her, he's leading her to little hope tsk! that not fair to any human being!" I answered It's not right to use a woman just to get your point.

"Then tell it to him or better slap him, just please, I've lying to your brother about you and Adam so spare me! he might get suspicious I've been sneaking in your room." He exaggerated more and I slap his head for his action.

"fine, I'll call him later," I inform him

I decided to just talk to him tomorrow after school, whenever I will pass by with Jane she's giving me a knowing smirk and she's getting to my nerves. I know she knows something or maybe about me and Adam but I don't give her satisfaction, I even bump into her intendedly and pretended it was an accident I was not looking and just walk out. Everyone in the hallway saw that and wondered what's going on.

"don't be a bitch just because she's taking what's yours, instead why don't you talk to your man, and for god's sake Olivia man up for your loved one." Neil ramp to my face like what? Who told him?

"James accidentally told us, so don't blame him, and besides I'm really curious why you never dated anyone and you have lots of suitors, I even ask James if he liked you and why not court you but he told us that." Eden continues to explain and James! That bitch!

"Shut up! I'm gonna kill that Bitch and he's an ex for giving me stress nowadays" I told these two idiots

"Whatever, if you can't fight enough for your man, then just end it, Olivia, I've been observing you and him, he's suffering enough that he can't get near you around your family member and seeing you hanging out to more boys every day, I feel him, Babe," Eden explain and sounds like siding him, traitor!

"Are you planning to be my ex-BFF? Because I'm thinking about it." I was pissed enough, they sound like it's all my fault.

"Babe, look around you, you never hang out with girls and that's ok because unlike others you never fuck your friends, and that's what we like about you, me and Neil adore that about you because with you it's normal to be friends and others think of you as slut for keeping the two gorgeous of the campus but they know nothing. And if I am Adam, I will get jealous and do something or maybe crazier than what he did." He explains or more like pointing my blindness about others

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