Chapter 2 Nostalgia

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{"Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us." - Oscar Wilde}

Parked the car, started running. Already 5 minutes late due to my dream, and Mr. Hutchin won't allow entry after 10 minutes. After a frantic 5-minute run, we made it to the entrance just in time.

"May I come in, Professor?" Renne asked.

"You're lucky you're on time. Otherwise, you'd be standing outside," he said, annoyingly.

Shook our heads, offered apologies, and took our seats.

Mr. Hutchin, our philosophy teacher, usually sweet, seemed annoyed today. He always speaks kindly to students, even if most don't pay attention. Never seen him shout before.

Though I like him, I find Philosophy boring as hell. It's mandatory, even if it has nothing to do with my future.


Second-year bachelor's in management, classes started three months ago, and I still question the need for this subject.

Took it because of my mother, it was her favorite.
Mom from Fiji, dad Native American. Met in college, got married after graduating, still deeply in love.

Dream of having a husband like my father. He's an amazing father and husband, respects all of Mom's decisions, supports her in everything. Works in the AST security team, living three hours away. Spend weekends with them sometimes.

Remember when Mom had an accident when I was 10. Dad managed everything – me, kitchen, job – didn't let Mom do anything until she fully recovered. That day, he became my superhero.

Moved here, homesick, missing them. Always cried on the phone until I met Renee. Sweetheart, instant friends. Bullies targeted her too, standing up for me. Best friend I always wanted, supportive and loving. She's family to me, and she reciprocates that love.

Met a few other girls, flirted with friendship, but they came and went. In the end, only Renne remained constant.

Feeling nostalgic, lost in thoughts.

"Take out your notebooks and start taking notes," Mr. Hutchin said.

Back to reality, out of my thoughts.

"Professor, can we just record your session instead of writing it?" a backbencher asked.

"Don't write, and then we'll see how you pass the exams," he replied.

"What's up with him today?" Renne asked.

"I don't know. I'm thinking the same," I said.

"Maybe he had a bad dream too," she laughed.

"Stop laughing and take notes, Ms. Renee," he shouted again.

And we started taking notes.

Anyways, the next three lectures passed, and then Renne and I headed to our cafeteria.

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