Chapter 11:Knock knock

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Knock Knock

As Eve entered the college classroom, a palpable tension lingered in the air. The absence of Jared, Dustin, and Will continued, casting a shadow over the usual routine. Renne shot Eve a questioning look, mirroring the curiosity that danced in both their eyes.

The professor commenced the lecture, but Eve's focus wavered. She couldn't shake off the feeling that the events of the past days were connected, a puzzle waiting to be pieced together. Today was different – an eerie stillness wrapped the room.

After the class, as they made their way to the cafeteria, Eve overheard hushed conversations among students. Words like "confrontation" and "showdown" seeped into her ears. The source seemed to be the Elite group and their clash with Jared's trio.

Renne nudged Eve, whispering, "It's getting intense. We need to find out what happened."

Their path led them towards the college entrance, where a few students were gathered, exchanging rumors like currency. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation. As they approached, Lauren, the orchestrator of chaos, shot a venomous glance at Eve.

Ignoring the hostility, Eve continued listening. The story unfolded – a confrontation between Jared's group and the Elite group had escalated into a challenge. A dare had been issued, a game that spilled beyond the boundaries of usual college rivalries.

Amidst the gossip, one phrase caught Eve's attention: "Knock on the forbidden door."

Curiosity ignited, she probed further, only to be met with guarded responses. The forbidden door, an elusive entity spoken of in whispers, seemed to hold the key to the unfolding drama.

The day wore on, and Eve found herself at a crossroads. The mystery beckoned, and she felt a surge of determination to unravel the secrets shrouded in the forbidden door. It became a quest, not just for answers but for a deeper understanding of the enigmatic forces at play.

As evening descended, she retreated to her dorm room, pondering the implications of the forbidden door. Renne, equally intrigued, joined her for a late-night brainstorming session.

"Knock on the forbidden door – it sounds like some sort of initiation," Renne mused.

Eve nodded, "But why? What's behind that door that has everyone so intrigued, yet cautious?"

Their conversation delved into theories, speculations, and shared anecdotes from other students who had dared to approach the forbidden door. The tales painted a picture of mystery, fear, and the unknown.

A knock echoed in the stillness of the night – a rhythmic reminder of the challenge laid bare. It felt like a beckoning, a call to venture into uncharted territories. The forbidden door had become a symbol, a gateway to a realm where reality blurred with the supernatural.

As the night deepened, the knock on the forbidden door echoed in Eve's thoughts. The quest for answers had transformed into a journey that would test the limits of curiosity and courage.

The next day loomed, and with it, the silent challenge resonated in the corridors of the college – a persistent "knock knock" that invited those brave enough to face the mysteries within.

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