Chapter 4 First View

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First View

{"A problem is a chance for you to do your best." --Duke Ellington}

Running late again, but this time not due to a nightmare. Spent the whole night awake, thinking about the green-eyed guy I couldn't see.

Curiosity overwhelmed me. "Maybe because I've never seen someone with green eyes, and I'm excited to see them." Kicked myself mentally, reminding that it's none of my business. Didn't want to get involved with anyone at this phase of my life.

Not bad-looking, but no long relationships. Uncomfortable with people, forced myself on dates, no spark felt. Questioned my sudden concern about my appearance.

Pulled out my phone, checked the first class – Information Security.

"Love this subject, not great with computers, but I'll work hard. Had it last semester but changed due to a teacher resignation. Hope we get a better one this time." Thoughts interrupted by Renee.

"Still thinking about the new guys?" she asked.

"What? Looking at the schedule," I half-lied.

"Don't lie. Since you saw them in the cafeteria, you're lost in thoughts. Who do you like the most?"

"Stop that! I'm not thinking about anyone," I blushed.

"Sure, I believe you," she said sarcastically. "Remember, I've known you for a long time, best friend."

"Whatever," I snapped.

She giggled. "Can we go to class? We're already late, and it's the first class of the semester."

"Yeah, let's run," and we hurried to class.

Reached 5 minutes early, few seats left in the huge class. Many students might've changed subjects last year, making it crowded.

"Seats are taken," Renne complained.

"Yeah, I can see that," I said.

"Three seats in the first row, two in the second last, and one somewhere. None of them is good." We sighed, choosing the second last row for the first day.

As we settled, the professor entered. The view from this row wasn't clear, but it was too late to change.

"Hello, students! I am a professor  KAI, teaching Information Security." Good-looking, young for a professor, and with a British accent. "So many good-looking boys at the same time," I thought.

"Today, we'll do introductions to know each other," he said.

"Yess," students excitedly responded.

"Starting with backbenchers from the right side," he informed.

"Thank god I'm not on the last bench," I said. "Feels weird introducing to a whole class."

"Same here, but the professor is kinda hot!" Renne pursed her lips.

"Shut up! He's a professor!" I whispered.

"You have a dirty mind! I just said he's hot, didn't say I wanted to do something with his hotness," she objected.

While discussing, a calm voice entered, "May I come in, professor?" We looked up, and one of the new boys entered, making my heart thump. "Will the green-eyed boy be in this class?" I wondered. "Come in," the professor said. "Why are you late in your first class?"

Then all three new guys entered, and my eyes stopped on the last person – the one I was thinking about last night.

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