Character Introduction

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Main Characters:

Evelina Smith (Eve):The main character, dealing with college life and discovering something unexpected with Jared Park.

Jared Park (Jared): A mysterious guy with striking green eyes, bringing a bit of mystery to the story.


Renne Wilson: Eve's best friend, always up for fun and adventures in college.

Dustin Lincon (Dustin): A funny and charming new guy,Jared's Friend adding laughter to the group.

William Park (Will): Jared's cousin, known for being talented and adaptable.

Troublemakers (In College):

Lauren: A mean girl from the elite group who causes problems.

Ryder:A shady character with bad intentions, creating challenges for Eve and friends.

Stephan: Another troublemaker, making college life more complicated.


James Smith and Adelina Smith: Eve's mom and dad, providing family background to her story.


Mr. Hutchin (Philosophy): The philosophy teacher, making college a bit more academic.

Kal (Information Security): The information security teacher, guiding students through tech stuff.

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