Chapter twenty-seven: Ellie

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Cody swung his bat and hit the zombie closest to her, so hard the head exploded, and the insides hit Ellie covering her from head to toe in disgusting and horrid smelling fluids. She let out a scream and she tried wildly tried to shake the worst of herself. Whilst doing her dance she managed to stumble into two dead people, so they toppled over and she stamped in their heads. But it did no good, more just kept coming and she was suddenly alone surrounded by dead. Cody and Gemma had disappeared, dread settled in Ellie's chest and she forgot all about the brain goo all over herself. She started to move again and managed to hold up until two new faces appeared beside her. "Need help?" Joachim asked brightly. It annoyed Ellie to no end, but she decided to ignore it. She grunted in response, the masses forced them to retreat in a triangle towards a large building with smashed in windows and everything from furniture to human legs dangling from it.

Ellie's mind worked overtime, she managed to locate the others. Daniel stood alone pressed against a wall cracking in skulls with his knife and using brute force to keep those who'd chosen to advance on him in the hope of a fresh human hamburger at a distance. Gordon was not far away trying to make his way over to Daniel, Gemma and Cody stood in a triangle with Kim just like Ellie, Henrik and Joachim. Soon they were split in three groups, Ellie was yelling the others names, but there was no way of reaching them. Joachim, Henrik and Ellie was now pressed against the building. The handle of a door pressing painfully into Ellie's back. "Cover me, while I open the door." Blindly she fumbled after the handle behind her, her hand managed to find it and she prayed to every god that ever had existed that it was open. It opened with a loud creak and the three of them pressed themselves inside closing the door behind them.

Ellie raced up the stairs that led into the building, not caring to check if there was any inside the building. She reached the fourth floor and tried to open the door, but it was jammed shut. She cussed loudly, and prepared to slam her shoulder against the door. When Henrik came up behind her panting. Ellie slammed her shoulder against the door, it groaned from the impact. "Help me." She wheezed. Slamming against the door again, she ignored the pain that flared up in her shoulder. A third time she slammed into the door at the same time as Henrik. The door flew open and hung broken against the wall, Ellie and Henrik fell with it and laid sprawled across the floor. Ellie scrambled to her feet and quickly scanned the room.

She didn't know what shocked her the most, all the weapon lying around, with cases of bullets, or the fact that everything was painted a crimson red colour. Even the floor had been painted crimson. Behind the red paint, she could just see the old white colour of the walls. She ignored her throbbing shoulder and ran to the windows, almost all of them had been smashed and somebody had taken time to clean all the glass shards away. Ellie grabbed the closest gun and looked through the scope. Without thinking, she zeroed in on a zombie close to Gordon and pulled the trigger. The backlash from the gun was horribly painful against her shoulder, but the zombie collapsed inches from Daniel and Gordon.

Gordon's head whipped around and scanned for the source. Ellie popped shot after shot taking out as many zombies she could. Gemma had noticed the dead falling randomly around them, but it was no use. There just kept coming more from everywhere, and soon the gun in Ellie's hand ran out of bullets. She noticed that Henrik and Joachim had started doing the same as she did. But it was obvious that they had far less experience with large guns than she did. They were holding them clumsily, and Ellie was just glad they hadn't taken to shooting close to their friends. Out of frustration, Ellie threw her empty gum out of the window. It made two creepers fall to the ground, but sadly, their heads were still intact. 

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