Chapter seventy-eight: Kim

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Kim tried to get Ellie to her feet, but she was doubled over in pain each time letting out a loud heart-wrenching cry of pain. He felt helpless, and he didn't know what was going on. "The baby! It's coming." Ellie moaned as she doubled over again. "Kim what's going on?" Gordon came rushing towards them his gun levelled ready to shoot. "I think she's in labour." Kim said stunned. Fear spread in his body and his throat contracted as it finally sunk in. "She's in labour!" He cried. "Help me get her up!" Kim said to Gordon who held the gun with one hand and helped Ellie up. Now it was only the armed people left in the main square of their camp shooting into the oncoming mass of deadlings. Travis rushed over once he saw what was going on along with Maryanne. He took Gordon's place and supported Ellie on one side. "Maryanne and Gordon keep the dead at bay!" Travis said as they began to help Ellie walk who was letting out cries of pain more and more often.

The walls finally broke and people began to run as fast as they possibly could adrenaline pumping through their bodies. Maryanne and Gordon kept firing their guns as they retreated slowly towards the boats. Timothy stood on the deck yelling orders when he saw Travis and Kim supporting Ellie between them, with Gordon and Maryanne shooting to keep dead away from them the best they could. He instantly jumped over the edge of the ship and hurried to help. "What's going on?" He asked. "The baby..." Ellie's sentence was cut short by her groaning in pain. "Get on the ship all of you. Gordon and Maryanne keep shooting, and get on the ship as fast as possible." Timothy lifted Ellie and hurried to the ship, Travis moved up so he was shoulder to shoulder with Gordon. "Maryanne get on the ship now." He barked. Maryanne cast a scared look at her brother and hurried to the ship, Kim helped her aboard along with Justin and then he got on too.

"Travis, Gordon come on!" Henrik yelled Gordon and Travis both backed up to the ship, but suddenly out of nowhere a shadow came and knocked them both away. Travis screamed as a dead caught hold of him and Gordon scrambled back as Daniel stood over him with a nasty grin on his face. "Not so fast squirt." He said. Kim took the gun from Maryanne and trained it at Daniel. "Let Gordon go or I'll shoot!" He yelled. Henrik and Joachim too had their guns trained at Daniel who had stopped moving. "You want him? Fine, just let me give him a sweet reminder." Gordon screamed as Daniel bit down hard on his arm and tore a chunk off. "You can have him now!" Daniel yelled his teeth dripping with blood. Seconds later, he slumped to the ground a bullet hole through his gut. Timothy leaned over the edge of the ship and grabbed a hold of Gordon's arm with the help of several people they dragged him onto the deck. Joachim cut the ropes of the ship and the sound of an engine roared to life. Justin had to hold back Maryanne as she screamed for her brother.

"Kim go down to Ellie. Stella and Mary is already down there." Timothy said taking the gun from Kim. Without a second thought, Kim hurried down the narrow steps. Ellie was placed on a mattress in the middle of the floor with Mary holding one hand making grimaces, without a doubt Ellie was crushing her hand, while Stella was checking. Kim's head swam and he stumbled over so he was next to Ellie. Mary gave the space to him and Ellie grabbed his hand, he winched as her grip tightened painfully around his hand. Kim did not have a single clue of what to do, the only thing he could think about was. Holy shit, the baby's coming... what do I do? Not very helpful, he couldn't remember anything that Stella had drilled into his head in case that Ellie should go into labour. "Mary go find towels and get some warm water." Stella barked. Mary hurried out of the small room and into the supply room as Ellie kept crying in pain every so often. "I wish there was epidurals here." Stella said giving Ellie a pitiful glance. "Ellie can you hear me?" She asked gently and Ellie responded with a faint nod and grunt. "Good, focus on your breathing, you're only 2cm dilated," Kim didn't know what that meant but Ellie did not seem happy. "Stella we need you." Justin panted running into the room as the boat rocked in the water. "Mary you know what to do right?" Stella asked. "What's going on?" Stella asked. "It's Gordon. Daniel bit a large chunk of his arm off and we don't know how to stop the bleeding." Stella cussed and Ellie let out a cry. "Gordon..." She moaned trying to get up, but Stella pushed her back down.

"Ellie think of the baby. I'll take care of Gordon. I'll need sterile bandages, clean water and a shit load of painkillers." Kim stroked Ellie's hair as she watched helplessly Stella rush out of the room. "He's going to be fine." Kim said trying to make himself sound convincing, but Ellie didn't buy it, she well knew the risk of infection in wounds like that. "Try to relax Ellie." Mary said putting a hand on Ellie's arm. "How can I relax when...?" She let out another cry that mixed with somebody else's scream. Kim figured that it must have been Gordon crying out in pain as Stella cleansed the wound. "It'll be alright. Don't worry." Kim murmured holding her hand tightly and stroking her hair with the other. Over the winter months, it had grown out again, in a darker shade of brown, and curly. Stella ran between the two rooms looking distressed. Until she finally walked into the room and stayed with Ellie. "Gordon's alright. The infection of the bite's not spreading. I believe that you were right. You are immune to the virus." Ellie seemed somewhat comforted by the news, but it didn't help the fact that she was in pain. "Okay let's check how far you are." Stella said. Mary was nowhere to be seen, she probably needed air. At least that's what Kim needed, he felt lightheaded and nauseous. "You're almost there Ellie." Stella said. "What time is it?" Kim asked. He had no clue to what time of the day it was, Stella frowned and pulled up her shirtsleeve revealing a clock. "A quarter to 9 Pm." She said.

At11.20pm, Stella told Ellie to push for the first time. For everyone up on deckit must sound like that Ellie is being tortured with the howls and cries ofpain coming from her. "One, two, three, push!" Ellie put her head on her chestand pushed crying out in pain. Kim was scared to move in case something happenedand the blood circulation had long since stopped in his hand. "I can see thehead!" Stella said loudly. "One last push, give it one last big push." Stella urged. Ellie looked upat Kim with fearful eyes, he nodded and she crushed his hand as she pushed. "Ineed blankets now!" Stella barked at Mary who had appeared again not long afterlooking a little green in the face. From watching her friend give birth or therocking of the ship it was hard to tell, but she handed Stella the towelsStella wrapped the little baby in them as it gave its first cry. "It's a boy."Stella said. She gave Ellie the little boy so she could see him. 

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