Chapter thirty-six: Ellie

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Ellie hoped they'd see the message. If Cody was still alive he would get the reference just fine. It felt great to use book references. To Gemma and Cody, it would make perfect sense, but probably mean nothing for other people. She looked out of the window as they drove towards the coast, it would be a long journey. Since they were inland... They'd also have to stop several times and continue the bread crumbs. Otherwise, it would be pointless... Ellie just hoped that they didn't meet too many surprises on their way. Naturally, the biggest surprises they can get now is meeting people that's alive and probably will want to kill them. The thought didn't exactly reassure Ellie, but better killed quickly than eaten alive. Being a happy meal is not on her bucket list.

They stopped once it was getting dark and Ellie fished out a can of spray paint. "We're heading towards the coast, but where?" Ellie asked. It felt odd asking about something, but Ellie's abilities in Geography was minus two-hundred, which so to say is non-existent. "How about the Pier of joy?" Henrik suggested. Ellie wrinkled her nose, "Too many people around there." A light went off in Ellie's head as she remembered what she'd left for Timothy to find her. "Billy's fish palace!" They stared at her like she'd lost it, she probably had, but Ellie didn't care one bit. Billy's Fish place was the last place her family had visited together on a holiday. It was a small place, very small. With one boring Aquarium, and about nothing else to see, and just to their luck it was by the coast. "Um Ellie, I'm not sure that's a place." Joachim said.

She waved her hand in the air, "I went there, last year with my family on holiday. It's a small place with next to nothing, and one Aquarium." If only she could remember the name of the town, she remembered generally, in which direction they should go so she wrote. It's fishy small, in the Western day. Hopefully, they'd understand that they had to go west, but Ellie liked making these small messages. Well she'd run out of paint sooner or later, but she'd just find another way to leave these small crumbs of bread for them. They decided that they'd park the car between some trees on an old dirt road. "Who's taking the first watch?" Ellie asked. No one said anything they, just stared at each other. "Rock, scissor, paper?" Ellie offered.

The three of them said "Rock, scissor, paper." Ellie and Joachim both had paper and Henrik rock. He cussed, "Now for who's taking the second guard duty." Joachim said. They both chose paper, they had to do it four times before Joachim beat Ellie with the paper. "Fuck." Ellie sighed. At least she would still get some sleep before it was her time to keep watch. She stretched out across the backseat and closed her eyes. Joachim pushed back his seat so he was almost lying down and fell asleep instantly.

Ellie closed her eyes and let herself drift off into a restless sleep

Ellie was running from a pack of growling and hungry dead people. She was holding onto Kim's hand for dear life as they navigated through things. It was hard to focus on the surroundings when something wanted to eat you. "This way!" Ellie yelled over the noise pulling Kim after her down a narrow path. She had absolutely no idea where it led, but it seemed to be the only way, away from them flaying them alive. Suddenly they tumbled over an edge and fell towards the sea.

Kim disappeared and Ellie was standing just outside her old school, stuck in the asphalt. She couldn't move her feet as she watched with horror, her parents running, Gordon in their dad's arms as he screamed and cried. Joanna tripped over something, dad stopped and frantically helped her to her feet and dragged her along as they were chased. Ellie followed them, without moving her feet. It was like she was stuck, frozen in a horror film. "GO home! I'll go check on Dani." Joanna said as they reached the outskirts of the Hospital grounds. Ellie tried to scream that she shouldn't. But before anyone could react she took off towards the hospital, Ellie's dad yelling after her not to.

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