Chapter thirty-eight: Gemma

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Gemma had hardly gotten away alive last night, when an angry mob of dead munchies suddenly appeared from the woods. They were just lucky that Ellie had spray painted an auto camper with her clue. What Gemma didn't understand was why she made it so complicated, she could just have written, Go to Billy's fish place or palace. By the coast! That would have been soo much easier, but Ellie being Ellie had to make it cryptic. Perhaps it wasn't a bad idea considering that most people wouldn't understand Jack shit of what she wrote and probably think that some lunatic did it. "So your girlfriend is the one tagging the cars?" Anthony asked Kim. Poor Kim, he hadn't gotten a break from the twins after they found out about Ellie and him. Not that they knew Ellie, but they asked for every little detail about her. If it hadn't been the end of the world it would have been hella creepy. Mostly he just tried to ignore them by shutting the curtains to his bed. Either that or Gemma would act like a parent and tell them to leave him alone.

Cody was busy driving the thing the best he could, but even though he could drive a car, just fine Gemma wasn't so sure about a huge Auto camper. It involved a lot of cussing and the engine dying from time to time, but other than that, it went great. "So she's like exotic?" Lewis asked. Kim groaned, "No, she's not exotic! She's not from some far away country." "Then where is she from then? If she's not from here?" Anthony asked. Kim looked like he wanted to strangle them, which was unusual for him. "I don't know." Gemma poked her head around "Denmark or Norway. Either one of them really, not sure. Her family is kind of confusing." She said. Lewis pouted, "Awe man, I'd pictured her as one of those sexy tropical island girls you see on holidays." Kim glared at him. "Just a piece of advice." Gemma continued giving them pointed looks, "Shut up about Ellie and leave Kim alone." Frankly even Gemma was tired of them asking about her. Gemma just hoped that she was alive, and hopefully Gordon's with Daniel. Ellie's first message had told them that she was with Henrik and Joachim. What would happen to Joachim, Gemma didn't care much about, but she didn't wish him dead anymore. Strangely she'd come to kind of trust him, still doesn't like him, but trust him.

They had to stop driving when the rain started again, you simply couldn't drive. For once, you couldn't see anything. Not even the lights on the car helped, and the roads became so slippery they almost crashed several times. In the end, Cody had to pull over at the side of the road. They only kept one light on inside the camper. Even if it was difficult to see outside, they didn't want to take the risk. If anyone had any common sense, they wouldn't be out in this weather. Not that there was many left in the world with any common sense. In the dim light, they sat around what food they had. Now that they were two more, the food wouldn't last as long as Gemma originally thought. She took control over the food and told them "This food will have to last for as long as possible. Which means we'll have to be careful." She did some quick calculating in her head thinking about how she would divide it between them fairly. The boys would need more food than Gemma did, obviously. But how much? Too little food could be dangerous, and running low fast was about just as dangerous.

She plucked out two cans of the same stuff and examined them. They didn't look very interesting and the label showed something that was supposed to look good, but once she emptied it out into a pan she scowled at the ugly reddish brown mush. There wasn't even enough to fill one boy's stomach, and she'd poured both up in in. At least the auto camper's well stocked on plates and all that. Warming the food took no time, eating it, even less and the pleas for more was endless. "Shut up!" Gemma cried covering her ears with her hands. "There's not going to be more food until tomorrow!" She glared at the boys. Who shut up immediately, the twins stared at her, Cody was leaning away from her and Kim rose from his seat and made his way over to where he'd be sleeping.

"Calm down, we were just asking for more food." Lewis said. Gemma fixed him with one stare and he shut up. "Don't go Ellie on their asses." Cody said. Gemma scowled at him, "If I went Ellie on their asses they would be hanging out of the window to dry." Gemma said drily. "Either that or they would be out in the rain." Cody added. "Perhaps she'd feed them to a munchie." The look on Lewis and Anthony's faces was priceless. "S-she wouldn't do that would she?" Anthony asked a little paler. "Probably." Kim said. Catching on to what Gemma was doing, "She almost choked Joachim on several occasions." Gemma wanted to laugh at their faces. "Although, she only does that to people she doesn't like." Cody said scowling at Gemma. 

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