Chapter thirty-one: Ellie

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Ellie watched the sky outside the broken windows as she listened to Henrik and Joachim sleep. They'd woken her up only a few hours before, because she was screaming her head off. A silent shudder went through Ellie as she thought about the dream. She was tired, but she didn't want to go back to sleep, fearing that the dream would return. She watched the sunrise on the sky as the clock chimed five in the morning. Even if the sun was up it didn't warm the air. Even though it was freezing, Ellie hardly cared. All she wanted was to have Gordon and Kim close, but she knew it wasn't a possibility. She might not ever see them again, just thinking about it made Ellie feel numb. Around seven the boys woke up, Ellie glanced at them and carefully set her face in a mask of indifference. "We'll need to leave soon." She didn't say much more as she started to roll up the sleeping bag. It wasn't one of those they'd packed, but it was better than nothing, even if it had holes in it.

Looking at the bags she knew that they'd gotten more food than the rest, somehow that didn't seem fair, but she chose to ignore it. Getting up proved to be more difficult than she'd imagined. Her shoulder flared with pain, but she could still move it, which told her that she hadn't broken anything, most likely it had dislocated and popped back into place. Ellie had tried that before; she would probably have large bruises to add to it. She grumbled a couple choice words and opened the door with her right arm. At least she hadn't done any harm to that one. Out on the staircase a rotten smell hit her nose like a ton of bricks. It seemed to come from several floors down. So Ellie took the narrow staircase that led to the roof. She kicked the lock to hard it shattered and the door opened. Of course, there had to be about five creeps on the roof. They turned to the noise and saw them standing there. Ignoring the flaring pain in her left shoulder, she charged forwards and smashed in the head of the one closest to the door.

She could feel the anger bubbling inside her, this was entirely their fault, they're the reason why they lost everything. They lost their futures, they lost their families, they've lost their friends and everything that they would ever have. Flashes of what Ellie's life could have been flashes in her head as she smashed in the head of another one. She would've taken her University degree, become a teacher, married the one she loved, had children. Now that was only a dream, she would never get to study abroad, she would never see her dad again, she would never see her family. It was all lost, because of them. With each image and thought, a burning rage and need to destroy everything burned its way to the surface. 

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