Chapter forty-one: Kim

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Kim stared at the wall of his new bed. As the others hustled around. Gemma was doing what sounded like the dishes, and Cody had gone back to driving as soon as the rain stopped. It was rather bumpy, and the twins was discussing how Ellie would look like, which annoyed him greatly. He sighed and rolled over so he was staring up at the ceiling instead. Right now, he wished that he'd worked up the courage to talk to her sooner. Why did he have to be so blind? He groaned and threw the pillow over his head, he wanted Ellie to be there right now. He wanted her to be beside him, tracing her fingers along his arm making small patterns. Even if the possibility was getting slimmer with each day passing, he was praying to that Ellie and the others was still alive. Even Daniel... even if he did not like Daniel very much.

"Hey, um what hair and eye colour does she have?" Anthony asked poking his head through the curtain separating Kim from the others. Kim glared at him, "Leave me alone." He grumbled turning away from him. "OH come on! We just want to know, is she hot?" Kim sat up so fast he almost knocked the kid off his feet. "Stop asking questions about Ellie!" He cried shoving the kid away and closing the curtains again with a snap. Gemma dropped something on the floor out of surprise.

"Didn't I tell you to leave him alone?" She asked. She sounded so much like a mother that it made Kim long for his own. "But..." One of the twins started, but Gemma shot him down. "No buts. Stop asking about Ellie, stop-bothering Kim. If you don't I will throw you out of this car while it's still moving and leave you." She snarled. It seemed like she was just as tired of it as he was. The twins shut up after that sensing the danger, letting him be alone.

Somebody was shaking him awake, "Kim, you need to eat." Gemma said. He sat up groggily and looked around. Immediately he felt disappointed, Ellie wasn't there as she'd been in his dream. She wasn't smiling down at him, as he started to wake up, either. She wasn't even close to him, "Must have been a pretty good dream huh." Gemma said her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh don't look so surprised. You were practically moaning her name." Kim's face flushed a deep red. She thrust a bowl of a dull looking food at him with a spoon and some bread. "Eat, and you should probably fix that." She left smirking and Kim extremely embarrassed. The food was just as dull as it looked, and the bread wasn't anywhere near fresh. He closed his eyes forcing the food down, but as he closed his eyes, Ellie's face appeared. He quickly opened them again, and sighed. He might not have had much time with her, and most of the time they hadn't even been alone, but he missed her a lot. He missed her smile, her eyes, he even missed the smell of her, hell he missed seeing her pin Joachim against a wall.

He emerged from his space and sat down by the table. Gemma was playing idiot with the twins. Apparently, they hadn't played it much, because Gemma crushed them most of the time. "I join." He said. Gemma dealt him three cards with the face down, then three on facing up, and then three cards to on hand. At once, he swapped the seven for a king, the three with a two and left the queen in her spot. "Lowest?" Gemma asked. "Three." Kim said. "Five." Anthony said gloomily, "Eight." Lewis said. "Kim you start." Gemma said. "Are we playing with stairs?" Gemma nodded. Kim put out his three and four and pulled in two new cards. They played like this for hours, mostly Gemma and he won the games. "Cody, where are we?" Anthony called as he dumped seven, eight, nine and knight on the pile of cards. "Dunno, following an arrow left in white paint." He called back. "Well that makes so much sense. Follow an arrow in white paint. What could go wrong?" Anthony asked sarcastically.

Gemma shot him a look and let Kim sneak look at her cards, truth be told they'd been helping out each other in the game letting the twins get the worst of it. They still had some way to go, if they wanted to reach the coast. Kim sighed and threw out his ace card and watched Anthony pick up the entire pile of cards, grumbling as he started to sort them out. Kim wondered what Ellie was doing, when Cody slammed his foot on the breaks sending all the cards flying and almost causing them to slam their heads down into the table. "What the hell?" Gemma cried spinning around in her seat. "Lock the door and turn off the lights." He said urgently. Anthony who had fallen off his seat scrambled for the door and locked it. Bolts and all, until it would practically be impossible to get through unless you could ruin a solid door made of metal. They hadn't been driving with the lights on, but it was like somebody had run a cold hand down Kim's back as Cody lurched forwards in a dead grandma speed. "What was that?" Lewis asked staring in the general direction of Cody, "Shh." Cody hissed. Gemma scrambled over Kim, she snuck up to where Cody was, and peered out onto the road.

When she turned around her face was pale, and eyes wide. "It's Daniel..." Kim got out of his seat and rushed to see. He looked out of the window; a human shape was facing them, a bloody face, and torch in hand. "Let me in, now!" Kim frowned that wasn't Daniel's voice. "Gemma, I don't think that's..." he was cut short. "I can see you, and if you don't let me in I'll shoot." He raised what looked like a gun, but it was hard to be sure, since darkness had started to fall. Gemma relaxed and turned to stare out of the window again, straight at the man. There was something odd about him. "Stop!" Kim said as Lewis was about to unlock the doors. "Don't, I think he might be bitten." Kim squinted at the man, he was leaning heavily on his left leg, and his right arm hung limply by his side holding a torch. "OPEN THAT BLASTED DOOR!" None of them moved a single muscle. "I'll shoot." He warned, but his shout had brought unwelcome guests.

The man turned around and let out a howl as something attacked him. It started to rip him to pieces growling as it stuffed its rotten face with the man's flesh. Kim fought to keep down his food at the sight. "Road kill?" Cody asked. Gemma nodded, "Road kill." She said. Cody stepped on the speeder and hit them with a sickening crunch and splatting sound. The man's cries stopped and they sped down the road trying to make as much distance between them and the newly made road kill. Surely, the fresh blood would attract more of those things. "More munchie road kill." Gemma said making a face. When it got too dark to drive without lights, Cody stopped amidst a hundred other cars. "The twins have the night watches." Cody said.

Kimwatched as Cody crawled into the second double bed in the camper, with Gemmaand pulled the curtains. The twins took their seats and had weapons ready. Kimwent back to his own bed and pulled the curtains again. 

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