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Chapter Song: Waste My Time- Grace VanderWaal

Monday morning I stood at my locker trying to find my English book. When it wasn't in there I leaned my backpack against my locker to search there again. As I ruffled through it, my backpack had slipped in the process and spilled its entire contents on the floor. Just great I thought.

Happy Monday to me.

I bent down and began to pick everything up. After quickly shoving everything back into my back I realized my English book was sitting at my feet. I smiled to myself as I grabbed it, and something slipped out of it.   

I didn't put anything in my books, because I never actually marked our place in the class. I would always write the page numbers in my notebook. When I picked it up I noticed it was a folded piece of paper.


That was it. That was the note. Three letters, one word. In the worst handwriting. Chicken scratch actually.

I was surprised I was even able to read it. What in the actual hell?

I quickly shoved it back into my book before anyone saw it. It wasn't actually anything special, but still. I was too tired to answer any questions today. I just wanted classes and practice to be over so I can go lay in bed already.

I didn't sleep a wink last night. I kept tossing and turning. When I would sleep, the dreams came. Sometimes they would come and have been less frequent. It didn't mean they were butterflies and rainbows when they came.

"Hey ugly." I felt a tug at my bun. 

Ugh not now.

"Shut up." I slammed my locker shut.

 I began to make my way towards English in bigger strides. Liam having way longer legs than myself was able to match them no problem. I forgot we had English together, great.

"Hey," I said. "We should get everyone together for like a movie night this weekend you know since it's the last weekend before we all get busy with sports and stuff." I casually shrugged trying to keep calm I began to chew on my nails while I waited for him to respond.

"And stuff?" He repeated his eyebrow raised posing a question.

"Ugh you know what I mean Liam school, work, everyone has their own lives. Not to mention we are only going to get busier trying to get into college now." I explained shaking my head in annoyance.

"What do you mean everyone?" He continued to pretend to have no idea who I was talking about. He loved making me explain every single thing.

"You know us, Riley, the guys, the usual," I said shaking my head.

He stopped in his tracks. "Let me get this straight, you and Riley are now good enough to be seen with us?" He placed his palm to his mouth shocked.

"I'm walking with you in public right now?" I whispered pretending to look around for more effect.

"Besides I will even invite Kylie over too. I know you like her don't even try to deny it." I pointed my finger at him. He tried to object but I wagged my finger even more. "I saw the way you were looking at her at the party, and I know she gave you her number! I would have given it to you if you asked."

His cheeks started to hear up and I smirked at him for it. He hated talking about girls with me. The only time he would ever willingly do it was if he needed my help with something. Even then it seemed like it killed the guy. 

"No you wouldn't have you would have made me go up and ask her." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you're probably right." I finally agreed. He was a big boy and could do it himself. 

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