13. Callum

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Chapter Song: No Way!- Bazzi

She was seriously breathtaking in the way she carried herself. How she guided everyone while pushing them harder. She cheered everyone on even people she was swimming against. I watched her in awe from the bleachers. The way she led the team was incredible.

She was always cute. Even years ago when I first met her. Even during the awkward middle school phase of braces, when she would straighten her bangs and scrunched her hair. Even now when she would have her hair in a bun and wear baggy t-shirts. It was extremely hard not to notice her. 

There was something that changed with her this past summer. Maybe it was because I was finally seeing her as someone other than Liam's sister. I always saw her as her own person, but now she stood out. 

Maybe it was because this was the first summer I was gone the full summer at Lacrosse camp with Liam and Mason. I hadn't seen her in and out of their house day in and day out, passing by me in the halls or sitting next to me in class. I get all of that now, but its almost suffocating. In a good way.

When I got back from camp something had changed. Maybe it was just her, or maybe it was me. It could be that I finally stopped forcing myself to not pay attention to her. But she was seriously becoming beautiful. She always had been, but the way she carried herself now.


Not to mention the way her dripping wet suit hugged her every curve she managed to create in the time we were gone. I couldn't seem to tear my eyes away from her.

The lacrosse team had to come practice with the swim team today. It was a once a season sort of thing. The coaches thought it would be good for everyone for the sake of the school spirit. Plus they said it was a good shock for our muscles and cardio. I didn't care about any of that, it gave me another chance to see her. Especially if it was in her own element.

I secretly loved watching her swim. It was kind of a cool sport to watch. It was fast and intense. It was kind of like art to see them move like that. Even her. The water seemed to move for her.

"Hey, lover boy you gonna stop staring at her and actually talk to her or what?" Mason nudged me laughter trickling from his lips.

"Shut up." I shoved him back smirking. I had to try to play it cool even though they totally caught me staring at her.

"You were kind of drooling dude," Liam added.

"Yeah over Tyler's ass. Have you seen that thing?" I joked.

I knew how Liam felt about any of us going after his sister. She was completely off-limits to us. Yet, that was the only person I felt remotely interested in. Which sucked. I didn't want to crush on my friend. It didn't help that her brother was also my friend. It just made everything messy. 

"Uh-huh," Liam rolled his eyes snickering. He didn't press the issue further and I was silently thanking him. 

When it seemed like they were done racing each other in teams of four it was time for us to go down and meet them.

I casually strolled down the stairs my shoes hitting the metal with a loud thud. I guess it was my grand entrance. I laughed to myself shaking my head as our two teams faced each other. Liam and I stepped forward greeting the other two captains. I knew Tyler was one of them, but to my surprise, Kennedy also stepped up.

Why didn't I know she was voted captain this year? Surely she must have brought it up or maybe Liam did. I silently scolded myself for not knowing and congratulating her. Not cool man.

"You okay?" Tyler nodded at her.

She looked tired or upset. There were dark circles under her eyes, and she just looked gloomy. I wish I was the one that got to ask that. Maybe I could try getting her alone later to talk about it. I wanted to make sure she was okay. 

"Yeah just tired." She shrugged giving him a small smile. I knew it was something else.

"So?" She smirked crossing her arms turning her attention to the two of us.

"Listen princess we are just here to have some fun and kick your ass in the process," I smirked back admiring the passion in her eyes. 

I wanted to egg her on. Teasing her and taunting her was one of my favorite things to do. The way she squirmed when I looked at her or even if I got her to blush. I lived for the moments I caught her staring at me. 

My eyes flicked to Tyler as he just nodded hello to me. She bit back a smile and my job was done. That was all I wanted to do, make her smile. Maybe even make her a little flustered.

"Why don't we make this a little fun then?" Tyler squinted his eyes challenging us. This was their turf after all. They had the higher ground. "Let's place some bets."

"What kind of bets?" Liam looked at him quizzically. I think he and I both knew where this was going.

"Any." Kennedy shrugged at her twin.

It was funny to me that they were related, much less twins. When they were around each other there was no doubt about it. They carried themselves the same way, making the same gestures. Except when Kennedy was thinking she would furrow her brows together.

They both had the same golden hair except her's was long and curly whereas Liam's was straight. They also had the same brown eyes. Although Liam's looked more golden, while her's looked copper the more I looked at them. Her features were soft while Liam had his dad's strong jawline.

"We'll do what the coaches want us to do like the good kids we are and then whoever wants to stay for a little extra help," she paused bringing out a slim gold key dangling it in front of us, "well we can see about the bets."

"Ah sister you are a little too sure of yourself aren't you?" Liam chuckled shaking his head at her.

"Unless you're scared." She was baiting him. Liam wouldn't back down from a challenge, especially if it was from Kenny. 

"Of you?" His eyebrows raised up. "Never."

"Good then let's place these bets," she smirked.

I had never seen her this confident before. Usually, she was quiet, kept to herself, and went with the flow. Usually, I could get a joke out of her or any other expression but this was different. It was extremely hot.

We began to make our bets with everyone who planned to stay after the permitted time. I watched her carefully as she sat back enjoying the friendly competition. As captains, we decided to go last letting everyone else make their own bets. Finally, it was my turn, and I knew just what I was going to do.

"You." I stared directly at her those perfect brown eyes glowing.

"I accept." She said, her poker face masked what she was really feeling. What was she feeling?

"If I win," I said my smile grew wider the more I thought about it. "You have to kiss me."

"No!" Liam immediately yelled.

The anger in his voice was clear. I didn't care. It was a kiss nothing else. He'd get over it. Plus it was a bet. At least that's what I had to tell myself and him. Besides Tyler knew the stakes, and I couldn't lose it.

She looked at Liam and then back towards me. She bit her cheek to stop herself from saying anything. She let out a deep breath waiting for the initial shock of my words to subside before she gave me an answer.


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