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Chapter Song: It's Always You (Live Acoustic)- Tate Brusa

When we entered the backyard we couldn't help but admire how everything was pulled together. There was a path created out of lights leading down their cobblestone path towards a large white tent. 

Once we entered the white ten we saw white tables to stand at off to one side. On the other side were large white round tables for dinner. There was a dance floor installed towards the back of the tent as well as a large stage. Everywhere there were hanging lights. Against the curtains, across the tents ceilings, on the centerpieces. The whole scene was magical, including the ceremony.

I knew Cal's mom helped her dad plan the entire thing. She had a knack for planning events. Cal always talked about how she would get so giddy over placemats or even napkin rings. I always thought it was cute, but he found it incredibly headache-inducing. Cal had referred to the entire thing as World War Three, but somehow Mrs. McCormick worked her magic and it was a beautiful sight.

I wasn't sure where Cal was. He had said he would try to find me when I texted him I was there. I had texted him, but I didn't know if he had seen it or not. I thought I spotted his brother Nolan talking to some important looking people with their dad, but still no sign of Cal.

"You look stunning," Cal whispered in my ear placing his hand on the small of my back finally gracing our table with his presence.

"Not so bad yourself," I smirked waiting for him to sit in an empty seat but he continued to stand.

"May I have this dance?" his fingers reached towards mine.

"I suppose." I sighed and started to giggle but reaching for him anyways as we excused ourselves.

He led me out of the tent into the freezing December night and towards a large oak tree in his yard. I always loved this tree of his, it reminded me of the one in our front yard I would always climb in. I'd take a book with me and sit there for hours. Liam would try to throw rocks at me until I would cry eventually coming down and I wouldn't talk to any of the boys.

"Why here?" I asked glancing up at him.

His curls were still a mess on top of his head, but I can tell he tried to tame them with gel. I clenched my hands to refrain from running them through his curls.

"I wanted you all to myself for a moment." He brushed a stray hair away from my face pulling me in close. He slid his hands across my waist. I loved how perfectly they fit there.

I snuggled into his chest perfectly content. It was very chilly out here but he had notorious body heat. I breathed in his cologne that stained his skin. He smelled like a Bath and Body Works candle, and I couldn't get enough.

He paused for a moment to take off his jacket so I could wear it. I was going to question it since he should use it but was a little cold so I accepted it anyways. He didn't have to say anything and neither did I. Somehow we just knew.

I could still hear the music from outside of the tent, but it was softer. Muffled by the fabric of the tent, and the lives going on in it. We swayed together in the silence mixed with the music from the reception under a sliver of the moon for more than one song.

I winced at the pressure on my feet. I tried not to notice or complain, but after three times I couldn't help it.

"You keep stepping on me," I whined.

"Am not." He scoffed


"Okay, that one was on purpose!" I pulled away but he turned me back into him.

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