chapter 4

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deer felix,
it's perfictly fine if you call me jack. my parents do call me jack sumtimes, but most of the time thay call me seán. jack is short for seán in ireland or sumthing like that.

i don't hav any hobbees. i have never played any tipe of game in my life. wot kind of games do you play?


dear jack,
you're from ireland? woah, that's so cool! what's it like there? i've always wanted to go but my dad has always said no. i'm from sweden, i moved over here when i was very young though so i don't quite remember what life was like there.

i can't believe you haven't played a game before! i can't imagine not playing games at all. i play games like silent hill and resident evil. they're pretty cool. maybe you could come and play sometime?


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