chapter 27

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once again i was at jack's window, about to climb inside after opening it. i did what i always did: put one leg in, then one arm, then my head, then my other arm and leg. except that day when i did my routine, i hit my head off of the window pretty hard, and trust me, it hurt a lot.

"fuck!" i exclaimed, trying to be as quiet as possible so i didn't alert anybody else in the house. jack immediately looked over at me, my sudden outburst letting him know that i had arrived.

"what did you just say?" i climbed in the room completely and shut the window behind me, rubbing my head gently, before processing his question. did he not like swearing or something?

"fuck." i repeated. he looked somewhat confused, like he didn't understand what i was saying.

"fuck?" he asked. i nodded.

"what does that mean?" wait...what? he didn't know what fuck meant. he honestly didn't know what it meant. i was so bewildered by the fact that he didn't know probably the most common swear word in all of history, that i actually gasped.

"you don't know what fuck means?" he shook his head.

"i've never heard that word before in my life." so his parents had never sworn around him? his aunt? his other relatives? had he never watched a movie or tv show?

"it's a swear word. swear words are inappropriate words that you wouldn't use in a normal sentence. unless you're like me..."

"swear words? there are multiple?" wow. i was really about to give him a lesson on swear words and how to use them.

"yeah. for example, if you call someone a bitch, you're basically calling them mean or saying they're not a nice person."

"but i thought that meant female dog?" i smiled at him and his innocence. he was so pure, it was the cutest thing to me.

"some swear words can mean normal things and nasty things at the same time. like faggot: it's a derogatory term for a homosexual man, but it's also a food." he nodded slowly, taking in all of the information that i was giving him. he seemed to be really interested in what i was telling him. finally, something i was good at teaching.

we proceeded to spend about an hour discussing different swear words, their meanings and how to use them. by the end of my visit, jack was using at least five different swear words in every sentence he spoke. those sentences made no sense whatsoever, but i found it adorable that he was trying. then again, i found every single little thing he did absolutely adorable.

a/n: sorry this is so short and the past few chapters have been a bit boring but it gets more exciting in the next few so don't worry about it

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