chapter 22

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"have you ever kissed anybody?" i looked at him with wide eyes, slightly taken aback by his sudden question. lately, jack had begun to get more and more curious, and ask me a lot of things, most of those things being to do with stuff like dating, crushes and sometimes even sex. i wasn't quite sure as to why he was asking about that kind of stuff, but i assumed it was because perhaps his parents hadn't taught him a lot of things about that part of life.

"yeah, a couple of times." i had only ever kissed somebody twice. they were both kisses from the same girl, this girl called marzia that i dated when i was 13. we dated for about 2 months before i eventually broke up with her because i was questioning whether i actually liked girls or not, but of course i didn't tell her that. i just told her that i had a lot of stuff going on and i couldn't handle a relationship at that point. she took it surprisingly well.

"what's it like?" 

"it's great with the right person." i wasn't all too sure how else i could have explained it. i've never been very good at explaining things. he still seemed to appreciate my pretty vague answer.

"have you ever found the right person?" i thought about it and in my head i came to a conclusion. i was pretty sure i had found the right person. i just hadn't kissed him yet.

"maybe...why are you asking me all this anyway?" he seemed to get a little bit embarrassed and looked down at his bed, his cheeks glowing a bright, crimson red.

"i've obviously never kissed anyone before and...i wanted to know what it's like." i smiled at how naive, innocent and inquisitive he was.

"you'll only ever really know what it's like if you actually kiss somebody." he sighed and looked up at me with a hint of sadness and solitude in his eyes.

"well that's never going to happen, is it?" i smiled again. i just couldn't help myself.

"this world is pretty you never know."

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