chapter 31

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me and jack had been dating for about 2 weeks and it had been a purely blissful experience so far. we had gotten much closer than we already were and i started to spend much longer at his house than i used to. we'd had so many laughs and so much fun together. i was so genuinely happy with him.

on that day when i entered his room i was incredibly shocked to see him stood up and walking around his room. it was a sight i had never seen before. my jaw fell to the floor as soon as i saw him. he noticed me and smiled, making his way over to me. the weird thing was that he walked pretty much like a normal person, just a little more slowly and cautiously, limping every few seconds. when he came to me he wrapped his arms around me. i smiled and melted into his embrace, wrapping my own arms around his small form. i kissed him on the cheek and led him over to his bed, sitting down beside him.

"it's a bit of a shock seeing you walk around..."

"i haven't done it in a while so i thought i would move around."

"oh...i didn't know you could."

"yup. i'm fully capable parents think otherwise. it's why i have the wheelchair." he pointed at the wheelchair that was folded up near his bed.

"does it hurt to walk?" i asked, curious.

"a little bit after about 5 minutes, but that's only if i don't have a break in between."

"have you ever hurt yourself while walking?" he shook his head, sighing as he looked down at the floor.

"no, never. but my parents are convinced i will, so i guess i'm stuck with that stupid chair." he seemed to get a little bit upset, and the sight of him in distress made my heart sink. i put an arm around him and gently pulled him in close to me. he rested his head on my shoulder and placed his hand on my thigh, running it up and down my leg soothingly. i smiled, feeling so unbelievably grateful for being able to be near him, to touch him, to hold him, to love him in the way i was loving him. there was no doubt in my mind that this was the happiest i had been in years, possibly, in my entire life.

fragile | jelixWhere stories live. Discover now