chapter 30

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i was shaking as i climbed through the window. the day before had been incredibly eventful in both good and bad ways. i never would have thought jack falling over would result in me kissing him for a second time. 

when i entered the room, jack was thankfully sat on his bed and not sobbing on the floor. he looked up and smiled at me, his cheeks going red the moment he saw me. he didn't say anything, as if he was waiting for me to start a conversation. i was so used to him saying something first that i had nothing in my head planned. i greeted him obviously, as always. even after my greeting he only said 'hi' and then nothing else.

"feeling ok?" i asked. 

"my back hurts...but apart from that i'm fine. nothing's broken, so that's one thing." i smiled, sad to hear he was in pain, but happy to hear that his bones weren't severely damaged. 

"oh yeah, happy birthday by the way. i would have gotten you something if i could but...well, you know..." i forgot it was my birthday on that day. for years my birthday had just been like any other day. it wasn't ever anything special. it hadn't been celebrated since my mom left. i was finally year away from being able to leave my lousy excuse for a father for the rest of my life. i thanked jack for remembering my birthday, which i didn't think he would do. i mean, i certainly didn't.

from that point there was only one thing i wanted to tell him, more than anything else in the world, but i had no idea how to even start. i was too awkward with that kind of stuff. i knew i had to say something, it had become too much of an elephant in the room to not say anything about it. i had no idea how he would react, what he would say, how things would be afterwards, but i did know it was time to speak up.

"there's something i have to tell you. are you okay to talk about it now?" he nodded, and didn't dare take his eyes off me once when i began to speak.

"do you remember the time we first met?" i asked, starting off slow and easy. jack nodded and a small smile appeared on his face.

"you randomly walked into my room and scared the shit out of me." i nodded and chuckled, thinking about how awkward we were around each other the first few times we talked in person.

"well...when i first met you, instantly a lot of thoughts began to circulate in my mind. most of them were just thoughts about how scared and awkward i felt. but some were things like how pretty and...cute you are...and i continued to have those thoughts when i went home that day and the time i saw you after that, and still to this day...but now i have more thoughts, like how funny and brave and nice and generally amazing you are. and that these past few months with you have been the happiest i've had in years. what i'm basically trying to say is that...i'm in love with you." i said nothing after that. i was too embarrassed. i had never been good at communicating my feelings with anybody, and jack was no exception. i put my head in my hands and looked down at the bottom of the chair that i was sat in. i began to hear shuffling as if jack was moving about on his bed. for a moment the shuffling stopped. and it was in that moment that i felt a pair of lips kiss my forehead gently. i looked up immediately to see jack sitting on the edge of his bed, beaming at me.

"if i had a dollar for every time i thought about you, i'd have $1 because i never stop." he said, his smile still prominent. he reached out his hands and took my own, holding them close to him.

"i'm in love with you too. i really am. and i really, really, really...want to be your boyfriend..." as soon as he said those words i felt like crying. but not in the bad way.

"well, if that's you want to go out with me?" his eyes lit up with happiness and joy, and straight away he started nodding like crazy. and from that point, our relationship began, on my birthday as well.

best birthday ever.

a/n: so in this felix turned 17 and i remebered after writing this that jack is 15...oops

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