chapter 5

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deer felix,
thanks for the offer but i can't. i'm pritty sure my mom explayned to you that we can't actully physically see each other in persun. we can only send letters. i'm sorry.

so you're swedish. that's super cool. i've always wonted to go to sweden funnily enuf, but my parents have always said no. i'm not allowed to go anywhere. i've never been on holaday. unless you count me migrayting from ireland to america as a holaday.

i've always wonted to go to sweden becus my mom told me that it snows a lot. she says that becus she thinks that the snow will bother me. i've always wonted to go in snow. i've never been in it. it looks really pritty. whenever it snows outside i sit at my window for hours and just woch it fall. kind of sad reely.


dear jack,
i can't believe you've never been on holiday, or been in the snow! being in the snow is one of my earliest memories. me and my mom used to make these massive snowmen that were nearly bigger than her. and we'd throw snowballs at each other and make snow angels. it was so much fun.

i went to a place called cyprus with my mom and dad once and i can assure you that place had no snow at all. it was so hot, i nearly got heat stroke. i could barely sleep because of the extremely warm weather. i mean, don't get me wrong, it was fun and i had a good time there. the weather was just a bit too much for me to handle. i probably wouldn't go again.

if you like snow and want to ever go on holiday, a good place for you to go is somewhere like alaska or norway, or even sweden. there's lots of snow in those places, you never run out. you'd have tons of fun, i can assure you.


fragile | jelixOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora