8: Saved?

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

"Hi, beautiful... Let's go to your new home."

Taehyung looked at the man or more precisely at his new owner. The man was giving him a smile, maybe a smirk.. that was difficult for him to describe. His mind was still blank, his body was feeling weak and numb. Kai noticed that he can't get up, too shocked by the situation, so he held him by his waist to make him stand. Taehyung flinched at the touch but didn't struggle much.

Kai slightly dragged him towards the exit, holding tightly and possessively on his waist but Taehyung didn't mind that.. well how can he when the person was his owner? But the other reason was, his mind was still in shock to react...

"See you next time Mr. Jeon and thanks a lot for this masterpiece." Kai blurted out in excitement, his eyes screaming lust and Jungkook just nodded slightly without any expression. Taehyung's gaze met him for a second but Jungkook was the one to avert it back, leaving the blue-haired behind.

There was clear pain his Taehyung's eyes, even Jungkook felt that but he shrugged it off and decided to not look at him. And why should he look at him? He didn't belong to him anymore. His owner has changed, that's what the mafia leader concluded.

Soon, Kai dragged Taehyung to his Mercedes Benz, showing off the possession in his arms like a trophy. Taehyung sat down as Kai made him sit and he followed just like a puppet. His new owner noticed that he was exceptionally silent and somehow it wasn't giving a good vibe.

"Taehyung, are you ok?" After clearing his throat he finally asked but Taehyung didn't respond. He was silently looking at his lap, with no movement.. just a slight rise and fall of his chest. Kai sighed and thought to let him be the way.. at least for now.

On the other side, Jungkook also left with Namjoon in the same car, and once at the mansion, he quickly made his way to his room. The mansion was exceptionally silent without him... silent than it was before but he had to ignore it too.

After a warm bath, Jungkook fell on the soft mattress, trying to sleep after a tiring day but the sleep didn't even knock at the door of the mansion, rendering many people sleepless.

He sighed tiredly before getting up and started walking into his office when his eyes fell on some papers. He frowned as he never place his papers in that place. With curiosity and a bit of annoyance, he walked to grab those papers. To his surprise, something was written on those papers.

He plopped on the couch when he started reading...

Hello Mr. Jeon. Umm. Well, I wanted to call Jungkook but it's okay. Mr. Jeon is good for now.
I wanted to talk to you face to face, but never got the nerves. I don't know if you are gonna like that or gonna be angry but I just wanted to tell you something.


Yes, I wanted to thank you. Thank you for saving me from my so-called father. Thank you for saving me from doing those disgusting jobs. Thank you for giving me a roof, a house, no, actually a home. Thank you for giving me HOPE.

You give me a HOPE Jungkook...

A hope that I can also live a normal life. Can be free.. though I am your slave, I am still good. You might think that I must be crazy, how can I be so much happy even when you... Well, it was all in the past and I already forget that.

I was naive.. naive to understand the fact that you actually saved me from a pathetic life. I hated it most when people tried to touch me in the wrong way in clubs. They wanted to make me a stripper and even said that they will pay me more than others but I can't do that job. I can't even imagine the pain of those poor boys and girls who were sold to such clubs and those rich people. I just know that if... if something like that happens to me, I will die. I am poor but my self-respect is the only thing I treasure most.

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