38: Gap

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Third person P.O.V

Jimin was packing his almost-packed bag while crying. After hearing the same news from Yoongi, he didn't shout, he didn't push him.... just locked himself in the room and cried till his tears dried up. He was feeling so guilty for leaving Taehyung alone for that damn job. But nothing could change... at least that's what he thought.

"Jimin... please open the door." He heard the same voice that he wanted to avoid the most. He can't deny the fact that in previous days, Yoongi did attract him, the way he showed his love to him, the way he cared, all the things that led his heart to flutter at the thought of accepting his proposal... even he started to think about accepting.

But when all the secrets started to come in front of his eyes.. his heart started to push back his thoughts.

After confirming that all of his belongings are packed inside the small bag, he opened the door with the bag hanging on his shoulder.

"W- where are you going?" Jimin heard him stuttering for the first time in months. But he had to ignore that fact.

"I am going back to Busan....and here take it." He handed an envelope to Yoongi, who took that with a heavy heart.. having an idea that what possibly that could be.

"I am resigning from the job. I will leave both apartments as soon as I go back there. Besides all the things....... Thanks for supporting me. Kindly don't try to stop me or chase me if you actually care about me." Jimin said trying to sound stern but couldn't as he was sniffing. He looked up at Yoongi with teary eyes and smiled.

"I won't stop you. I- I don't have the right to do so. Yet my feelings are true for you and will remain the same until you return to me. You are always welcome as I am never ever gonna let your place be filled by someone else." Yoongi smiled while Jimin was still looking deeply into his eyes.

"I just wish... that one day you come back... to me." A sadness-filled voice was enough to make Jimin cry more but he controlled himself...

I don't love him... then why i am feeling like that? What is this feeling? I can't love the person who is the brother of a murderer... murderer of my Taehyung. No.... don't let him see your this side Jimin.

He scolded himself for falling on the other's words. He quickly wiped his tears harshly with his sleeves and gave his former boss a glare.

"I wish... we never see each other again..." With that, he slightly bumped into Yoongi's shoulder as he was on his way... and stomped out of the mansion.

Yoongi took big steps behind him but stopped at the main door, watching the retreating back of the other. His eyes couldn't wait for enough and soon started to flow the tears, that were held for so long.

Jungkook was watching him from a little distance and he could see the love his Hyung was holding for the blond. He was feeling more guilty... not for ruining his own love but for ruining his brother's life as well.

How can I forgive myself?

Guilt was eating him up but thanks to his caring Hyungs, who never left him alone. He saw Yoongi coming back with heavy steps, hand strongly clutching the envelope, trying to get out his frustration on that paper.

"I am sorry... I ruined your life too... I am really sorry Hyung." He said with an ashamed look. Yoongi just smiled and hugged him tightly, it's like he wanted to do so... well he actually wanted to do so to comfort his throbbing heart.

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