23: Him and I

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was frozen on his spot, trying to digest the moment but he was failing miserably.

Jungkook pulled back and looked up at him.. he saw him in a complete daze so he slightly caressed his cheeks with his not-so-soft hands.

"It's ok if you don't love me Tae. I know you were drunk that night and I might've overheard and concluded that you... you love me.. but if you don't... it's okay, I won't force you." A hint of sadness was clear in his tone that brought Taehyung back to reality.

"It's a dream.. right?" Taehyung whispered with teary eyes, he was overwhelmed with happiness and that was hurting him.. why? Coz whenever he got happy with someone, that someone always betrayed him or left him. Just like his father.. his mother... Jimin and that's what he feared the most.

"No, it's not sweetie."

"Whatever I said.. that night, it's true. I truly meant that but... I was afraid that you-"

"I know...I am sorry... I am really sorry for everything you suffered from. But love.. now I truly mean it." Jungkook said with so many emotions that Taehyung broke down due to happiness. Every nickname was sending him onto cloud nine, making it difficult to believe that it was really happening.

"Hey.. hey.. please don't cry.. I am sorry... I am really-"

"Don't be sorry..." A small hiccup made him whine.

"But you are crying and I can't see you like that," Jungkook frowned while cupping his cheeks, wiping his tears he gulped at the sight.

"It's because of happiness... I am so- so much happy... I thought that y-you will never find my love." Taehyung sobbed, tears still falling from his eyes and his lips were in between a smile and a pout which looked beyond adorable. Jungkook was surprised by his words but soon he chuckled as he found it cute.

He quickly engulfed the sobbing boy in a warm embrace and gently patted his head with a smile. "You are so much worthy... so precious... I don't know how I got you but I am happy that I met you." Jungkook's voice was muffled because he was nuzzling in the other's neck but he backed off when he heard beautiful sounds of giggles.

Taehyung was giggling because he felt tickled by Jungkook's actions.

Jungkook saw him giggling cutely while his eyes were still teary and he couldn't help but coo internally and leaned forward. Taehyung quickly stiffened when he felt the decreasing distance between their faces.

"Your giggles are beautiful... you know that?" Jungkook asked in a sensual way while leaning more he saw the younger gulping in nervousness and he surely enjoyed seeing him so much flustered. Who wouldn't enjoy a beautiful shade of pink that was spreading on his bread cheeks?

"So beautiful.... so adorable..... so innocent," Jungkook inhaled softly, leaning more so that Taehyung fell on the soft mattress with a soft thud and he took the chance to cage him in between his arms while hovering him completely.

"You know what angel... you are mine... just mine.." His eyes were showing dominance and Taehyung was feeling so submissive under his gaze. What a man Jungkook was to shift his emotions in an instant, from his crying and gloomy self to an overjoyed and now, a flustered one, really, what an effect.

"Yours? Forever?" A hit of confidence caused him to ask what was roaming in his mind when he licked his dry lips.

"Mine... *smooch* forever...*smooch*." Jungkook gently kissed both of Taehyung's eyes and then got up from bed with a smirk because Taehyung was looking like a cherry, a lost cherry that he has just claimed.

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