49: Last breath

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Third person P.O.V

"Not so early, Jeon." Yong snickered deeply looking at the boy in his arms. Taehyung was shaking badly and his eyes were unfocused. He could see all of his Hyungs fighting with those bulky men and Jungkook throwing punches at the intruders to get free to reach him.

"I SAID LEAVE HIM. YOU SON OF A *****. Jungkook again yelled at top of his lungs but Yong found that amusing. Why not.. finally, having the cruel mafia at his mercy for sake of his love.. amazing.

"No doubt.. why my son was head over heels for you," Yong muttered, ignoring Jungkook's death glare slowly caressing Taehyung's cheeks who looked confused at his words but flinched badly at the touch.

"Don't t- touch me." The brunet whimpered and started struggling in the strong grip of the old man but he was strong, unexpected for his age.

"Why not sweetie? Damn, if I had an idea that you are way more beautiful in reality... I must have kidnapped you earlier. But now it's of no use.." He made a tch sound at the end and avert his eyes to a fuming Jungkook who was surrounded by more than 10 men. A glint of mock was clear in his eyes, a smirk laced on his lips to see the raven-haired so helpless.

"Do something, Joonie." Jin whimpered and struggled in the grip of two men but couldn't free himself.

Namjoon was also fighting with 5 men and the same goes for Yoongi.

"I shouldn't have listened to Jk.. leaving my gun was the worst idea," Namjoon grunted while punching one man while throwing a kick at the other.

Jimin saw a man trying to hit Yoongi with a baseball bat and become restless about the situation as Yoongi wasn't aware of the attack.

"YOONGI.. BEHIND YOU!" Jimin screamed and took a sigh of relief when the other blocked the attack successfully and took the bat from the now whimpering man.

Jungkook was getting out of control when he saw Taehyung shaking and whimpering in Yong's grip moreover the disgusting older was touching what belongs to him, making his blood boil in rage.

He elbowed the man behind him on his nose, leaving him grunting in pain. Kicking the man in front of him in his gut while throwing the punch from his left hand to another one, he was about to launch on Yong but at the right moment... a man hit his head with a baseball bat so harshly. The sight showed black dots for a minute and he lost his balance for a moment as his vision got blurry due to a hard hit.

In the next second, the raven-haired felt something running from the back of his head and was sure that was blood. He stumbled on his steps when the same man hit the back of his knee, causing him to kneel down due to impact.

"N- NO," Taehyung screamed in terror when he saw Jungkook in that state. Feeling the need to help the older, he started thrashing his hands and legs in every possible direction to get himself free. Yong was definitely enjoying that, his eyes never leaving the struggling brunet.

Those men took the chance and tied Jungkook up with his hands behind his back. With dizzy eyes, he tried to focus on Taehyung and found his terrified eyes already staring back at him. Seeing his love in that condition quickly snapped him out of the dizziness.. forgetting about his pain, he quickly struggled in the ropes.

"Damn.." He hissed in pain when he couldn't get up.

"Calm down Jeon. You should be thankful enough that my men didn't shoot your so-called family on the spot and gave you enough chance to fight." Yong pointed smugly, bringing Taehyung closer to his body and turning him like his back was touching Yong's chest.

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