35: Truth

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(Most awaited chapter)

Third person P.O.V

"We need to do surgery right now.. but where is his family?" The doctor inquired from the boy standing in the corridor, worried about an unknown person.

"I- I don't know. I just found him on the road. He had nothing... no identity card... no cell phone.. nothing. I don't know how to inform his family. Why don't you just do it?" The worried but unknown male said in pure worry. The boy was the one who got Taehyung from the road after the accident. He found him drenched in his own blood... anyone's heart could break just by seeing his condition.

"We need some papers to be filled by his family..." The doctor informed him.

"I will fill it, and don't worry about the expense as well I will be responsible for that. Just save him please." How funny! The one whom Taehyung loved the most didn't care for him but an unknown person was so much devoted to his survival to do anything he could.

The doctor nodded and quickly rushed to OPT and a nurse gave the boy some papers to sign.

"He lost too much blood.. we need blood group A+!" A nurse informed the boy and he quickly dialed some numbers.

"Please God, save him." The only words were leaving his lips as he waited for some good news while waiting outside of the operating theatre.


Jungkook was in his room since the night he kicked him out. It's been 2 days and Lisa was trying her best to seduce him but couldn't. He didn't leave the mansion for these two days... didn't talk much but was doing his work confined in the four walls of his room.

Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jackson were missing the only fluff ball in the mansion. The only person who changed the thick atmosphere of the mansion within a little span of time but now everything was back... or actually worse than before.

They were sitting in the living room... no one was talking at all, they all were angry as Jungkook didn't allow anyone to leave the mansion and especially to search for Taehyung. The awkward silence broke down when the door burst open by none other than SeokJin. Everyone looked back at him in confusion but more in horror... they all had an idea of what was going to happen.

Namjoon quickly got up from his seat and went to him as Jin was huffing, and panting... his face was red.. and was holding a file.

"H- hey Jin... How are you?" Namjoon started hesitantly. Jin looked up at him with a very different look that Namjoon didn't understand.

"Ta- Taehyung?" He said while panting, and Namjoon stiffened in his place, the same goes with others.

"Hyung.. please sit down... drink some water please," Hoseok suggested but Jin shook his head and rushed to Taehyung's room, all following him with worried faces.

He stopped in front of the door and started knocking, first softly and then impatiently.

"Tae?? Taehyung?? Sweetie... Hyung is here. Tae, open the door sweetie, please." Sadness was laced in his voice as he continued banging, making the others feel horrible.

"Hyung.. stop please," Hoseok muttered, hanging his head low.

"What? I want to see him. I had no idea how much he is suffering!" Jin retorted while knocking again. Little did he know that poor boy suffered more than he could even imagine.

HOPE ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora