𝖎𝖎. new girl & new skills

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"You're home early." Evelynn commented as she grabbed one of the blood bags in her freezer. Grabbing a thermo, she poured in the coffee, mixing it with the blood. It kept her blood lust down and she also received some caffeine. She really needed it, especially after getting a few hours of sleep.

"Yeah, it wasn't really that busy." Jane responded. "I also got you some more blood bags." Evelynn turned to face her, giving her a look. Jane was a nurse, like Ms. McCall, and she'd always sneak some blood bags for Evelynn.

"You have to stop doing that mamma. I can function normally like a human. Blood isn't necessary." Evelynn said trying to reassure her. Though it sounded like she was assuring herself instead.

Jane shot her a look of disbelief.

"Remember your not fully human. You still need some blood. It helps control your blood lust-"

"Which means I won't go around killing people and sucking their blood." Evelynn finished with a roll of her eyes. They always had this conversation.

Jane smiled. "Yes. Unless you want me to switch your diet to animal blood than we can do that." Evelynn quickly shook her head no. She had tried animal blood before, and it was disgusting.

"I think I'll stick to regular blood, thank you." Evelynn grabbed her school bag and headed out. "I gotta go. Don't want to be late. I love you mommy!"

"I love you, too."

♱ ♱ ♱

Closing the door of her car and locking it, Evelynn swung her bag over her shoulder, walking towards the school entrance, knowing that both of the boys would be there.

Her mind was set on apologizing to Scott about her sudden disappearance last night in the woods, and for being a crappy friend. It was complicated. If only she could tell them her condition, and explain her weird actions.

Evelynn spotted the familiar shaggy brown haired boy standing by the bicycle racks. She smiled slightly, picking up her pace.

"Scott?!" Evelynn called out. Scott hearing his name being called looked up and spotted the familiar light browned hair girl. He sighed in relief knowing that she was okay and wasn't killed. "Oh thank God your okay! I'm so sorry I left you last night. I got lost and thought you went home. Holy shit I'm such a crappy best-"

fresh blood,        𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟₁Where stories live. Discover now