𝖝𝖛𝖎𝖎. allison's necklace

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"Faster?" Scott questioned. Evelynn looked behind her shoulder to see how close Kate Argent was and she turned around, nodding her head at him.

"Much faster." Scott tilted his head to the side before shifting the gear lever and pressing his foot down on the accelerator to go faster. "Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here." Evelynn said as she took a glance over her shoulder every five seconds to see how close the black SUV was.

"If I go faster, I'll kill us."

"Well, if you don't go faster, they're gonna kill us!" Evelynn exclaimed, her eyes narrowing down as she shot Scott a glare. The two weren't on best terms ever since the night of the full moon. Despite how much Scott had apologized saying it was the full moon and because Allison had broken up with him, Evelynn wasn't accepting it. Sure she understood the full moon part, but the fact that he let the break up get to him was stupid. The sound of tires screeching made Evelynn look over her shoulder for the upteempth time that night. She looked back forward with confusion written all over her face. "They're gone."

Stiles grabbed the stolen police radio and turned it on. "All units, suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works." Stiles' father, sheriff Stilinski, voice came through the radio. The three friends shared a look and Evelynn grimaced. Scott sped over to where the older werewolf was hiding, slowing down slightly. Stiles opened the door for Derek, clumsily making his way into the back so Derek could simply get in the passenger seat. Evelynn jumped in fear at the sound of a gun being triggered repeatedly, some of the bullets hitting the side of Derek's car.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott exclaimed once the older wolf was inside the car. Derek hit the dashboard.

"Dammit it, I had him!" Derek exclaimed, ignoring Scott's question.

"Who, the alpha?" Evelynn questioned, moving Stiles aside as she leaned up in between the seats to look at Derek. The older werewolf glanced briefly at her before looking straight ahead. Her unique scent was almost intoxicating, and Evelynn being extremely close to him was making him uncomfortable.

"Yes! He was right in front of me, and the freaking police showed up." Derek explained angrily.

"Oh, hey, they're just doing their jobs." Stiles defended. Derek turned his head to look at Stiles, who had pushed Evelynn aside and was now in between the seats, and gave him a sharp glare causing Stiles to falter back and Evelynn to chuckle under her breath.

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