6| milkshakes

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"SO WHAT'S UP with your brothers?" Leo asks as we walk around the mall. It's cute and small, with barely any of choices. But I like it.

"Uh, they're just really overprotective. Like, Sam came up to me and started being annoying, so Parker decided to be a jerk and tell me I was too little to deal with boys. I know they have what's best for me in mind, but it's hard to remember that when they freak out over little things." I reply, shrugging.

She laughs lightly, shaking her head. "That's ridiculous, Maddie. Why are they like that?" She asks.

"I have a horrible dad who left us and that's kinda when they started babying me. I mean, more than usual. I know it's not all from him, being overprotective is in their nature, but I think they're scared of someone hurting me again. And they express that in the weirdest ways thinkable, but I dunno, I know they care about me." I tell her, turning and walking into a small clothes shop called Annabelle's.

She follows me and asks, "How many brothers do you have?"


"Five? I only thought you had like two." She says, laughing a little.

"Nope. I have a twenty-six-year-old brother, he doesn't live at home though. Then I have a twenty-two-year-old brother, he's moved out, but just down the road cause, that's where his college is. Then there are the twins. They're both nineteen and still live at home. And finally, there's my brother Parker, who you saw in the picture. He's eighteen. For some reason, my parents only waited a year after having a set of twins to have another baby? I'm not really sure why, though." When I finish I'm laughing.


I shake my head, smiling.

"You would look gorgeous in this, M," Leo says, picking up a red spaghetti strap dress.

It's simple and tight fitting, but the materiel feels breathable enough, the dress falling to my knees.

"You could dress it up, or make it casual. It's so cute." She tells me, shoving it into my arms. I shrug and walk in the direction of the dressing room.

I step into the small room and shut the door, before trying the dress on.

It's tight-fitting, but not where I can't move. It accentuates my curves and honestly makes me feel very pretty. The only problem is the fact that the slight v neck it makes it painfully clear I have no boobs.

I glare at the mirror.

I snap a quick picture and send it to Leo, then as an afterthought, I send it to Amelia.

"Dang Maddie, you look hot," Leo says through the door.

"Yeah, except I look like a little kid who got into her mom's clothes. I'm a man child." I say, laughing.

"Psh, shut up. You're getting that."

I roll my eyes and laugh, taking the dress off and changing back into my clothes.

After paying for the dress, we start walking the mall again.

"Where do you wanna go for dinner?" Leo asks, looking down at her phone as we walk.

"Uh, I dunno. Where's good?"

"There's this place called Ruby's, you would love it." She says quickly, grabbing my arm and leading me in the direction of the exit.


I listen to Leo talk as I shove as many fries as I can into my mouth. These are so good.

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