21| make it work

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"THANK YOU FOR driving me," I smile, grabbing Sam's hands and tugging him towards me.

He looks a little hesitant since we're standing right outside my house and he knows the boys, and Roman, are inside.

"Don't worry about it." He smiles, making sure to hold my hands but keep us a respectable distance apart.

I stand up on my tiptoes but he dodges my lips and moves to hug me instead, totally rejecting my kiss.

"Samuel Everette, did you just reject me?" I pull back to look at him, an amused smirk on my face.

"Okay, babes, hear me out. I would love for your family to like me and I don't think I'd have the biggest fan club if your brothers saw us making out in your driveway. Especially when we're not dating." He shrugs, carefully untangling our limbs and putting his hands in his pockets.

I huff out a breath, my arms dropping at my sides. "Fine, babes, but who's fault is that?" I ask, laughing.

He won't even kiss me goodbye?

"Fair enough." He shrugs and nods, leaning back against his car.

I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and making him let out a small sigh.

"Darling," he mumbles softly, taking his hands out of his pockets and resting them on my upper arms to hold me still.

"I'm gonna give you a choice," I grin when he laughs, shaking his head.

"I don't want a choice."

"Sucks to suck," I start, shrugging.

"You kiss me goodbye, and not like some shitty little peck on the lips, I mean an actual, make my damn toes curl kiss. Or, or, you can come inside and have dinner with us. I'm making enchiladas." I smirk when I finish, his face set in an adorable pout.

"Make your decision, pretty boy, because we got here ten minutes ago and I'm pretty sure they're expecting me to be inside any second now." I smile widely, putting my chin on his chest and look up at him.

"You're a horrible person, Madeline Jane. Absolutely horrid."

"It's one of my shining qualities." I mumble, biting my bottom lip.

When he doesn't say anything, I stand up on my tiptoes. "Decision time, kid."

He playfully rolls his eyes and smiles, holding my face in his hands and leaning down. He fits his mouth to mine, his lip ring cold against me but I've started to get used to it.

He kisses me softly, tilting his head and sliding his hands down to cup the sides of my neck. My eyes closed tightly, I reach my hands up to run over and down his shoulders, before resting on his elbows.

Good choice, Sammy.

This goes on for a few seconds, my heart racing wildly in my chest and my fingers shaking a little. I've been kissed, not that my brothers know that of course, and it's never felt like this. It's always felt better with Sam, like he's taking his time and savoring it, like he's savoring me. It makes me feel dumb and fluttery inside.

Right when I know he's about to pull away cause he's slowed down and gotten softer, I hear someone yell, "Samuel, lovely to see you'll be joining us for dinner."

I jump back from him, my mouth tingling, and turn around to see Leo standing in the doorway. Parker is scowling behind her.

"Cleo Sage, go inside!" I snap, rolling my eyes.

"Actually, Madeline Jane, you and your man are coming inside for dinner. And guess what? Ricky, Maya, and Ollie are here! Yay Sam, you get to meet to siblings slash parents!" She grins, bouncing on her feet.

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