28| thanksgiving

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"I THINK THEY'RE unnecessary."

"Parker, it is Thanksgiving, shirts are necessary," Maya says, throwing a button up at him.

"You're unnecessary," he mumbles under his breath as he tugs the shirt on and begrudgingly buttons it up.

"Pardon me?"

"I said I love you and you're my favorite sister in law." He answers, and she just snorts, fighting a smile.

"I'm your only sister in law."

"Don't be too sure about that. I heard Katie is coming for dinner, that's a pretty big step." I chime in, fixing up the loose pin in the small braid pinned to the side of my head

"I don't think it means they're getting married." Maya laughs, walking over, and helping me.

"Hey, Maya, look! I made Livs a little burrito baby!" Winn says proudly, holding up a very pissed off looking Livia.

"I think she likes that." She says sarcastically, nodding.

"She shit though, so that might be why she's giving everyone the death glare every time she opens up her creepy little eyes." He shrugs, handing her to me.

"She doesn't have creepy eyes!"

"Face the facts, Mads. They're kinda creepy." He smirks, and I just shake my head.

"My baby Livia is perfect and no one can tell me otherwise," I say confidently, smiling down at the little bundle of joy that does happen to smell a little like crap.


"I think she needs her momma, though." I nod, handing her over to Maya.

"I love being a mom but I'm not gonna lie, diaper changes are not the best." She says, sighing and grabbing the baby bag.

After she leaves to change the baby's diaper, Ollie walks into the living room with a football and s'mores supplies.

"It's a little cold for s'mores, Ollie." I smile, walking over and giving him a hug.

"Well, we're gonna make them on the stove or something. I just felt like it." He shrugs, hugging me back.

"Sam been treating you well? And I'll know if you're lying, little girl." He says, giving me a stern look.

"That was random, but yes. We've been good."

He nods, patting the top of my head and smiling. "Oh good. It's Thanksgiving, I didn't wanna have to hurt anybody."

Playfully rolling my eyes, I punch his shoulder and head into the kitchen to check on the turkey.

When I walk into the kitchen I see Parker sitting on the counter, eating a bread roll with a piece of the ham in the middle.

"Parker Jay, no, you need to wait until dinner." I shake my head, and he groans.

"But I'm hungry!" He says around a mouthful of food, throwing his head back.

"You will survive."

"You're so crabby." He snips, pouring himself a mug of hot apple cider.

"Am not." I shoot back, and he just raises his eyebrows in mock surprise.

"I want a bread roll!" Emmy announces, walking into the kitchen.

"No, those are for dinner." I laugh, shaking my head and throwing a hand towel at him.

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