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"YOU SHOULD LIKE, move here." I tell Lia, FaceTiming her while I hang out at the counter and work on my homework.

"Yeah I know, but I still have school and stuff. And Roman." She replies, referring to her boyfriend of six months, and one of Parker's best friends.

"C'mon, surely I'm better than him?"

"I dunno about that."  She rolls her eyes and grins.

"I'm hurt!" I feign offense, but end up laughing loudly.

Parker walks into the kitchen, opening the freezer.

"What's up, bitch?" Parker asks, grabbing some Ben and Jerry's and a spoon.

"Nothing much, bastard."

"How's my guy?" He asks, plopping down on a barstool beside me.

"One, he's my guy, and two, he's good." Amelia replies, holding up two fingers.

"Sure, Lia. He was my guy before he was yours. I introduced you two."

"He's still mine."

"No he's not! Ask him!" Parker just shakes his head.

Ever since her and Roman started dating, Parker and Lia have been having the argument over who is his favorite. It's petty but hilarious so no one stops them.

"You and Rome have a bromance, but we have a romance. Ours is better."

"Bro before hoes." Is all Parker says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I am not his hoe."

"You're mine," I offer, making her crack a small smile.

They go back and forth for a few minutes so I just work on my history homework, humming to myself.

"Speak of the devil!" Amelia says excitedly making me look up and see Roman coming into the screen.

He kisses her quickly then looks at the screen, a broad smile on his handsome face.

"I'm your favorite, right?" Parker asks immediately, making him laugh and roll his eyes.

"No but I am." Lia sticks her tongue out at my dumb brother.

"Maddie is my favorite." He announces and I cheer, laughing.

"Hey, when're you guys gonna come visit?" Park asks, shoveling all the ice cream into his mouth. Ice cream that I soon realize is mine.

I elbow him and try to get it back but he just grins and eats more.

"Not sure, really. I've got basketball-"

"And school and your mamà is visiting soon." Amelia cuts in.

He sighs, putting his face on her shoulder as they lie on her bed.

"And school and Mamà is visiting soon." He adds in a much less enthusiastic voice.

Roman and his dad have always had a pretty good relationship, he was almost a father to us too, but Rome doesn't really know his mom that well. She divorced Mr. Benoit when he was four and she visits once, annually.

He dreads the visits cause they're always chaotic and there has to be some drama for Ms. Carmen to be satisfied. Roman hates drama more than anything. Well, almost as much as drinking, which I'm sure you can guess Ms. Carmen does her fair share of.

"Hey, it'll be alright," Lia murmurs, turning her head to the side and pressing a kiss to his forehead. He just smiles at her, nodding.

"I want a boyfriend!" I yell annoyedly, slamming my pencil down on my book.

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