45| daddy

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"WHY DIDN'T YOU tell me all your brothers are so hot? And don't get me started on the black one covered in tattoos, fuck he's sexy, I want to have his babies." Lyra whispers to me, nodding her head to Roman at the end.

"Well, Amelia is having his babies so move on," I hiss, my blood boiling.

Does she think everything with a heartbeat is sexy? Because honestly, that's the impression I'm getting.

"The Asian one?" She giggles a little, looking across the table at Lia who's smiling widely and whispering something to Roman.

"Do you ever think about how fucking racist you are? Cause his name is Roman not 'the black one' and her name is Amelia, not 'the Asian one'. Use. Their. Names."

She scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Do you ever not get offended?"

"Are you ever not an asshole?" I fire back, and she sits up in her seat, flicking her hair over her shoulder nonchalantly.

"So, Emmett, what are you studying in college?" She turns to Emmy, who is at her side and apparently totally oblivious to the conversation we just had.

"Uh, law, a lawyer is my goal job." He shrugs, his eyes widening a little when she smiles, biting her lip flirtatiously.

Instead of getting mad, I decide to let this one play out.

Why not?

"That sounds so cool. Where do you go?" She twirls a piece of her honey blonde hair around her finger, her eyes not so discreetly dragging over his arms and chest, before back up to his face.

"Blue Mountain, not too far from here, actually." He shrugs, looking uncomfortable.

"I've actually been looking into colleges a lot recently. Kate and I don't live too far from here either, do you think you could give me a tour? I would really appreciate it." Her hand sits dangerously close to his on the table, fluttering her lashes at him even though they have no effect on him.

"I mean, I think that's why they have tour guides." He clears his throat, moving his hand from hers and picking up his glass, taking a sip.

He suddenly coughs on his water, his knee hitting the table and his face going red as he sets his glass down.

The table quiets down, everyone glancing at him.

He coughs again, grating out, "I swallowed my water the wrong way, sorry,"

As soon as the eyes are off him, he grabs Lyra's hand from under the table and drops it, hissing, "Hands to yourself, little girl,"

I bark out a laugh, quickly covering my mouth.

"I'm seventeen, Emmett." she rolls her eyes, putting her chin on her hand.

"I'm nineteen and have a boyfriend, please stop hitting on me." He whispers, rubbing his temples and looking as done with her as I am.

She sputters for a second, before loudly whispering, "You're gay?"

"Yes, that was implied when I said I had a boyfriend," he nods, stabbing a piece of his General Tso chicken.

"At least tell me he's hot," she mutters, pouting like a four year old.

"You know, I'm not gonna answer that," Emmy shudders, scooting his chair a little farther away from her.

I clear my throat, asking Ollie, "May I please be excused?"

He nods, sending me a smile. "Of course, Princess,"

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