46| lucky

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MY FAVORITE PART about sharing a bed with Sam is probably the morning, when the house is still quiet and the sunlight is streaming through the windows, lightning up mine or his bedroom in the most beautiful way.

Both of us too sleepy to talk, our only communication being through lazy kisses and fingers brushing over skin, lingering glances that neither of us are too discreet about.

In those moments, I feel safe and happy and so damn loved, I almost always wish I could pause time and just savor it, never wanting it to end.

Except today.

No, today I cannot get out of this bed soon enough.

Sam's arm is pinning me to the bed, his soft snores filling the room as he sleeps peacefully, totally unaware of the fact that I'm dying over here.

Yesterday I fared well, but I already know today is going to be a bad day because I haven't felt this nauseous because of cramps in a long time.

I tried being a nice girlfriend at first and slipping out of bed quietly, giving him more time to rest, but he sleeps like the dead and will not let me go.

Fed up with it, I harshly whisper, "Sam, I'm gonna be sick, you have to let me go,"

He grumbles something incoherent, tightening his hold around me, and I groan annoyedly. "Let. Me. Go."


I shove his arm off me with as much force as I can muster up, quickly rolling away before he can trap me in place again.

I push a pillow under his arm, and he smiles softly in his sleep, holding it to his chest.

Great, now I feel guilty.

The guilt is quickly replaced with nausea when I feel the cramps come back with a force, making me scrunch my nose up.

Walking to the bathroom next to his room, I shut the door and press my back against the bathtub, holding my head in my hands.

This is terrible.

Of course I do that annoying wriggling thing, where I try to find a comfortable position just end up getting pissed off, grunting and laying flat on the floor.

The floor always fixes it.

Of course, because I'm tired, frustrated, and in pain, tears pool in my eyes and I swat them away, but they keep coming back.

I'm not sure how much time passes, but I don't notice the door being opening until Mrs. Olson asks, "Maddie, sweetheart, what's the matter?"

Quickly sitting up, I'm hit with a wave of nausea, but I push it aside.

"I just have really bad cramps." I assure her, quickly wiping under my eyes and trying to make it look like I wasn't just crying on her bathroom floor a few moments earlier.

Her face melts and she walks towards me, cooing, "Oh, honey,"

Sitting on the floor beside me, she gently pushes my head down on her shoulder, rubbing my arms.

"When I was younger, I used to get terrible cramps as well, so bad I'd usually skip school the first few days, but that also means I've learnt a few tricks. Do you want to hear them?" She says softly, and I nod, sniffling a little.

"Well, heating pads or hot water bottles are a necessity. If you don't have any then I have some and I'm more than happy to give you one, it makes the world of difference. Pain medicine made specifically for cramps will be your saving grace, trust me when I say they're worth it. Hot tea is lovely as well, just make sure it's caffeine free. And stay away from coffee, it makes cramps a lot worse." She says, absently playing with my hair while she talks, making my eyes flutter closed.

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