33| family

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SNUGGLED UP IN Sam's car, I rest my head on his chest and sigh.

Apparently, his dad is friends with the guy who owns this little drive-in movie place, which usually closes during the winter, but he put a movie on so Sam and I could watch it.

Plus a few random other people in their cars, cause I mean, he has to make an income too.

We connected the radio so we can hear the movie, which is The Princess Bride, and so far this date has been my favorite.

We're wrapped up in blankets, and I'm planted in his lap, because he said, and I quote, "Body heat does wonders."

He had the gummy bears, so not like I'm complaining.

"And you believed her?" Sam asks after I recount the story Lyra told me about the bridge.

"I mean, she knows you better, of course I believed her." I shrug sheepishly, munching on some candy.

"What do you mean she knows me better? Lyra knows shit all about me." He snorts, and I just roll my eyes.

"She's known you longer and she- I don't know, she knows you in a different way than I do."

"And? The way you know me is much better. Lyra and I had this shitty, superficial relationship, but I know I can tell you anything and you'd be there. I trust you." He tilts my chin back up when I focus on the blanket, a little frown on his face.

"Don't do that." He whispers, shaking his head.

"Do what?"

"Don't put yourself down. I'm so sorry that this ridiculous, stupid, mistake I made is affecting you, but please don't bring yourself down, Maddie." He cups my cheek, this thumb gently brushing over my skin.

Instinctively, my eyes fall to my lap again.

"I'm just- I'm mad at her for constantly throwing it in my face that you and her were ever together in any way, and I'm mad at myself for getting upset over it. I want to be able to brush it off, be a good girlfriend, and forget it ever happened, but I can't and it makes me feel guilty. I'm not judging you or her for the choices you made like I said, that was in the past, but when she talks about it, it makes me worry that- that you might be disappointed." I tell him, messing with my sleeves and avoiding his gaze.

That was a big confession, I don't even wanna see how he's going to react.

"Why would I be disappointed, Maddie?" He asks incredulously, and I shrug again, still playing with my hands.

"Because she's willing to go that far with you, and I know I'm not ready. I mean, I'm still terrified of making any slightly bold moves. And I'm worried that, after we've been dating a while, if I'm still not ready, you're going to be disappointed. I want you to be happy and if I don't make you happy-" I start to ramble, tears burning my eyes and making my voice thick, but I'm cut off when I butterfly soft kiss is pressed to my lips.

"You make me so happy, happier than I've ever been. Because you're you, with your hilarious sense of humor, and amazing personality, and beautiful blush. I don't need to sleep with you to be happy with you, Maddie. I just need you."

"Do you actually mean that? Or-or are you just saying that to make me feel better?" I ask honestly, tears building up in my eyes.

"I'm saying that because it's the truth." He says, putting his forehead on mine.

I suck in a breath, my lungs rattling in my chest, and move to hug him tightly.

"Thanks," I mumble against his shoulder, trying to discreetly wipe at my eyes, but it's no use.

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