22| the bet

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"SO YOU'RE COMPLETELY serious about this? I was teasing you." Sam says, glancing over at me where I'm sitting in the passenger seat.

"Oh, I'm definitely serious about this. You'll just have to keep your hands to yourself for three days, I think you'll manage." I reply, nodding and crossing my legs under myself.

"I won't, I miss hugging you,"

He uses his whiney voice and pouty lips, but I'm not changing my mind. I'm gonna stand firm and make it till Friday, I want that ten bucks.

I mean, I mostly want to beat Sam, but whatever.

"Hug me in spirit." I nod, opening my arms in the direction of him.

"I like the way your perfume smells and I can't smell it from here." He keeps whining, and I grin, digging through my bag for a second before pulling out a small bottle of my perfume.

"Spritz it on your hoodie, but not the NASA one I want to steal it and it has to have your cologne on it, and voila! Problem solved."

"Baby, those are like synthetic hugs!" He groans, going between giving me puppy dog eyes and actually driving.

"Hey, at least all the thirsty hoes will know that you're taken." I shrug, showing off the bottle to him again.

"I can't even tell if the perfume is for me or the thirsty hoes at this point." He mutters, making me bust out laughing.

"Wow, I never knew you were this desperate," I say, still laughing.

"I'm not desperate, I just like you a lot and you're being mean."

"I'm not being mean, you five year old, you're the one who started this whole bet," I tell him, rolling my eyes and smiling.

"Well yeah, cause I thought you were weak when it came to affection!"

"There! There you go, now I have even more drive to beat your smug ass. It was best you stayed quiet but you couldn't, could you?" I smile smugly at him, resting my chin on my hand in the center console.

"I was literally gushing about how much I like you and how I just want to hug you! Let me hold you, Madeline!"

"On Friday, after you give me my ten bucks, I will suffocate you in the best hug ever, Samuel! It will be legendary and it will put Joey Tribbiani to shame!" I yell back, still not entirely sure why we're yelling.

"I'm holding you to that, Lace, and I expect no less than I've been promised."

"Pinky promise." I nod, turning and giving him my pinky.

He does the same, finally giving me a stupid half-smile.


After changing into my leggings and sports bra, I'm tying my hair into a ponytail when I see Evie walk last me to go out into the gym.

"Oh, Evie, can I talk with you?" I call, and she turns her blonde head towards me, a big smile on her face.

"What's up, Maddie?"

Finally getting to what I keep forgetting to do, I say, "I forgot to tell you, but I saw Ethan Hill checking you out the other day."

Her eyes widen, her lips parting a little.

"Wait, are you serious?"

I nod, a grin splitting my face. It technically isn't a lie, he stares at her throughout most of the practices, which he has gotten in trouble for on numerous occasions.

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