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><>2nd person POV<><
In the familiar universe of Minecraft... You can either be a boy or girl reader and it still fit.

     Your back is scraped harshly against the stone wall. Dang, your old back kinda needed that actually. Your long grey hair proves just how long you have managed to survive. It has surprised you really with all the trouble you cause.

     "Finally.. So, old lady, what are your final words?" An old man with white hair snarled. He had spent his entire life hunting you. And for what? It was pretty pointless! Nevertheless, you knew he had finally one-upped you. He had the help of a couple trusty iron golems on either side of him. You already took a few bad hits to the ribs and limbs, so you were in no fighting condition. That didn't keep you from fighting back though.

     "Such a pitty. I had hoped you would grow some brains and decide to do something with your life other than waste it hunting me. How pathetic do you think you are?!" You spit. His face contorts as he pulls out a handy dagger. A few old memories flash in your mind at the sight of it. Heh, he must have promised himself to kill you with the same dagger you used to kill his king, Myphalayus. It was a pitiful reason, really. He caught your smirk and his brows scrunches down to a scowl. He then thrusts the dagger in towards your heart. With pure adrenaline rushing through you, you swipe your hand to the side to deflect the blade. As you did so, you grabbed the man's wrist holding the dagger with incredible speed and turned it into himself. All is silent the next moment. The iron golems look down at their master with strait emotionless faces as they watch him fall to the floor, dead. They didn't attack, knowing what you had yet to find out already.

     A small frown drops on your face. You had never wanted to kill him. He had always been a fun one. Surely, life would be bleak without him always sneaking over your shoulder. Then, with you not knowing why, your vision blurs and grew darker. You stumble on your old feet. What was wrong? Your heart slows, and pain coats your chest. Without looking, you place your hand over your rib cage and feel it immediately be painted in warm liquid. You didn't even need to look down. You could just tell right away. You were dieing. Somehow that dagger had still stabbed you deep enough to reach your heart.

     Knowing where this was going, you weakly pass the iron golems, them letting you for whatever reason, and sit down at your study. The room you are in was your old basement made of stone bricks and dust. Your desk was covered in maps and other old books you had written by hand over the last few years. Calmly, you sat down and pulled out an old dusty book, and pulled out an ink pen. You flip through hundreds of pages all full of notes, written in many different handwritings. The book itself was so old it was falling apart, even when preserved so well. Carefully, you flip to one of the last pages in your book that hadn't been filled with text yet. In it, you wrote, "Looks like I've got myself into another big pickle.. Only this time, I won't be able to bounce back. At least.. I get another chance at this. Hopefully, I will finally accomplish my mission this next go-round. Wish me luck." After that, you pass.


     The sun shines down on your face. That queasy feelig comes back. It always drains a lot of you to do that. Luckily, you no longer feel any pain. Nothing really.

     After a moment or two of laying on your back just looking at the blue sky above you, you get up. You smile as soon as you don't feel any sore back or anything of the sort. The only thing you wonder... who, exactly are you now? You stand up with remarkable ease. Way better than before for sure. You stretch your back, groaning with contentment, then sigh as you look around. Wait, that voice sounded maskulin. Unlike before. Quickly, you look around for some kind of reflective surface. Not too far away you spot a tiny pond. You then walk over to it and look down into the blue.

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