Chapter 26: Charlie The Not So Useless Lesbian

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   "Charlie, you better not leave this room!" Beatrice said as she stumbled up, wiping her sleeve across her wet cheeks as she did so. 

      Charlie ignored her, quietly rummaging through her belt as she hummed a jaunty tune.

       "Charlie, I'm serious!" Beatrice said, her tone becoming more sharp. 

        "Ah ha!" Charlie said to herself as she pulled the short range teleporter out.

       As she saw what Charlie was about to do, Beatrice's eyes narrowed even more. 


        Charlie waved and slapped the button.


        There was a flash of bright light, and in one nauseating moment, she was outside the elevator door. 

         Unfortunately, they were quite a few floors below where they started, and Night Thief was nowhere to be seen. 

       Shit. I probably should have thought this through a little better. Maybe I can make her come to me somehow. 

       Charlie cleared her throat.

       "Hey, Night Thief!" She shouted as loud as she could manage. "I think the only the only thing super about your powers is that they're super lame!! Aha!!"

       There was a viciously loud banging, and Charlie instantly jumped and let out a high pitched yelp.


         Oh, it was just Beatrice.

         "Charlie, get back in here right now!!" Beatrice's yelling was impressively loud. Charlie could hear every word clearly even though she was muffled by the elevator. 

      "No!" Charlie yelled back, "I've made the decision to beat up your mom, and I'm sticking with it!"

       "Charlie! I swear to God—"

        "Why do I have to go back in there anyway? Can't she teleport whatever she wants anyway?"

        "As long as it's within a certain range, yes."

        Charlie yelped and spun around at the sound of Night Thief. She immediately and clumsily attempted to deck the older woman right in the jaw, but her fist was caught mid air, and Night Thief quickly kicked out a leg from under her.

      Panic filled Charlie as she fell to the ground, flat on her back. The wind was knocked out of her, and she groaned and coughed as Night Thief walked over to loom over her.

      She placed one of her boots on Charlie's stomach to pin her down and started slowly adding more pressure.

      This is how I always thought I would die. Charlie thought bitterly. Crushed beneath the leather boot of an attractive older woman. 

       "Aren't you a little too soft to be playing heroics?" Night Thief mocked.

        Hurry Charlie, at least think of a witty comeback!

         Charlie sucked in a wheezing breath.

         "Aren't you a little too old to still be a super villain?" 

          "What?!" Night Thief hissed, pressing down even harder. 

        Charlie coughed more, struggling to reach her hand down to  her belt. 

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