Part Two, Chapter Ten: HIGHjinks Vol. 2

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Lin was already waiting for her in the parking garage behind the apartments. He was fully dressed in his armored suit, his arms crossed impatiently across his chest.

Okay. Just say something that doesn't make you sound high. She told herself as she walked up to him.

"Uh, I'm here!" She announced. "Ready to, uh, do the things!"

Nice! I think I nailed that! She thought, feeling herself begin to smile with pride.

Lin immediately ran his hand tiredly across his face and groaned.

"Oh my god."

"What?" She said defensively.

"You're high." He said pointedly, gesturing at her with an open palm.

"I'm-no I'm not!" She lied. "Fuck. How can he tell?"

"Beatrice. You literally just said that out loud!"

Shit... Wait, did I say that out loud? Linton was still looking angrily at her, his dark brown eyes even more serious than usual. Hm. I guess not. I should probably say something to him, though. Just staring at him like this is kinda weird.

"Lin, I promise I'm fine." She said. "When I lived by myself, I used to do things high all of the time! In Fact, I was even high when I kidnapped Charlie."

He rubbed his temple like he had a headache.

"That, that exact anecdote, was supposed to make me feel more confident about you stopping a robbery with me?"

Beatrice shrugged indifferently.

He sighed.

"B, just go back to your apartment and sleep it off. I've got this one. I'll tell our manager you weren't feeling well."

A memory suddenly came back to her. She pictured Alice yelling in the elevator about the junior hero who broke his leg, and she swallowed. Alice had made that seem like a death sentence for his career.

She didn't want to be forgotten like him, for missing just one appearance. She didn't want to lose her relevance when it seemed like public attention was already such a precarious thing. Most importantly, she didn't want to lose her one shot at being less of a burden to Charlie.

She reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Nope. I'm coming with you." She said, tugging on him.


"Lin! If we don't hurry then the criminal is going to get away and we'll both look stupid!" She said.

He tugged his arm away and shook his head, like he knew he was making a stupid decision. Though he still looked pensive, he did unfold his hoverboard and set it on the ground.

"You can always just punch me in the face if I start to act dumb." She offered.

"I'm not doing that." He said flatly, as he stepped onto the board.

Beatrice grinned and climbed on behind him.

"Your loss." She said as she slid her helmet on.

As they flew over New Atlanta, she almost wished that she could feel the air against her skin, which was still pleasantly tingling. She tried her best to keep her balance, but it was hard to tell how well she was doing it, since everything still felt pretty fuzzy around the edges.

Lin hadn't yelled at her yet, so she assumed she was doing, at the very least, adequate.

It wasn't long before they landed at 230 Peachtree Way, which Beatrice quickly pointed out as being one street number away from where they were supposed to be. This was because, according to Lin who was angrily looking at his GPS, there was no 231.

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