3: Eastward Bound

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We ran, racing the train, and just made it. I landed directly on the roof, but Javier slipped off and Lenny was holding on for dear life. I pulled him up, and we moved to slow the train.

"Where's Javier?" he asked, still flustered from his near miss.

"He fell, the others will get him," I said, trying my best to ignore the throbbing pain in my thigh, "Quick, we need to stop this train!"

"How the hell did Bill mess that up?" Lenny sounded frustrated.

"Well, technically I hooked up the fuse, but we ain't gonna mention that," I muttered.

I drew my pistol, gunning down the guards who tried to stop us. We were almost at the driver, I climbed up past the coals when WHACK.

The driver had hit me with a shovel! I cried out in pain as he grabbed my neck. I elbowed him hard in the stomach, getting out of the grapple, and tossed him off the edge of the train.

I ran forward, pulling the break and causing the train to skid to a stop. As soon as it stopped, we ran off and into cover. More guards were appearing from inside the carriages, we were being overrun but we needed to get to the back carriage!

"Hey, there's the others!" Lenny called when it seemed to be almost over. We were safe!

"How many of these bastards are there?" I yelled, but they were dealt with quickly once the others arrived.

"Ann, get over here!" Dutch yelled, "Are you two alright?"

"Yeah, let's get the money and go," I groaned, the impact of hitting a high-speed train had hit me.

"Why did you jump on that train, are you mad?" Arthur chastised me, looking over me to make sure I wasn't too badly injured. I rolled my eyes at him, trying to cover the pain in my eyes. Wolf bites and jumping on trains apparently didn't mix well.

"We got some fellows holed up in this carriage," he said before addressing them, "What are you boys planning on doing in there? We don't wanna kill you, but you're gonna have to come out."

There was no reply.

"Seems our friends have gone deaf," Dutch sighed, "Mr Williamson, give Mr Smith and Mr Morgan some dynamite. You two, go blow that door open."

They attached the dynamite to the heavy door and ignited it, stepping back quickly.

"I'd move out of the way, boys," Dutch called mockingly to the men in the carriage.


The door flew open. Three men stepped out with their hands up, and Micah, Arthur, and I stepped onto the train to search it.

I found the odd pocket watch and jewellery, but there was no solid cash. Just some bonds, but when I showed them to Dutch, he seemed over the moon.

"Well done," he clapped me on the shoulder, "You two, get rid of the train, and these fools. Do whatever you want with them. We'll see you at camp."

I glanced at Arthur who was to be staying with me.

"I'll get the train moving, you deal with them," he told me, heading for the front and I nodded.

"I won't kill you. Get on the train, now, and no funny business. I won't hesitate to kill all three of you," I growled before heading to see how Arthur was doing. I was sure I'd scared them into obeying.

He released the brake and started the train, letting it roll into whatever station was first. I whistled for Roach and climbed on him, my face contorted with pain, waiting for Arthur to get off the train and on Hestia. God, the boys were going to have it in for me when we got back.

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