38: Our Best Selves

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I rode into camp, steeling myself for what was going to happen.

"And this here, this is Ann," Micah spoke to his two stooges as I marched towards Dutch, "She's a good guy, a real good guy. Sort of, uh... a modern day hero."

"Well at least you ain't run off," Dutch said as I approached.

"What you talking about?" I questioned, trying to control my anger.

"Pearson left," he was cradling his gun, "Old Uncle... the traitors. Both gone at dawn. They said to young Tilly they were running away to save themselves. I think Mary-Beth left as well."

"So it goes," I whispered, finality clear in my voice.

"They are goddamn cowards, Ann," he stood, "Cowards. Of all the time we spent, they run off!"

"Well, I guess they don't wanna die, Dutch," I told him.

"Ain't nobody gonna-" he looked over to the campfire where everyone was sitting, before grabbing my shoulder and pulling me somewhere more private.

I coughed harshly as he stared down at me.

"This is a tough time," he said, "And you ain't, you ain't doing too well, but... we... our community, we will survive. They will not crush us!"

"I hope so, but... if we let Jack, and the women free," I said, "Well, then maybe we can-"

"There ain't no freedom," he cut me off, shaking his head, "Not for no one in this country no more, Ann. One more big score, we got enough money to leave. All this turmoil has the army and Pinkertons spinning, we take a boat and slip away."

"I don't know what you're saying, Dutch, but it seems like I've heard it all before," I shook my head.

"Just one more train," he argued.

"There's always a goddamn train!" I yelled, causing myself to cough.

"Ann," he put a hand on my shoulder, glancing to make sure nobody heard my outburst, "This is different. We know this is full of cash. Army payroll. Money and supplies to repair the bridge that Arthur and John blew. This is all going to plan! We rob Uncle Sam, and we leave. The poetry of it all! What do you think?"

"It sounds wonderful," I sighed as he chuckled, "Hell, I ain't got much to lose, but... you know the women and the children, and John and his family... I'm afraid I have to insist, I mean, we gotta let 'em go! Cause if the Pinkertons come through again, they will kill everyone."

He stared at me, a look on his face I had never seen before.

"John? Insist?" I recognised now that the look was barely contained rage, but I wasn't about to back down.

"Yeah, insist," I said after a moment's hesitation.

There was silence for a few seconds, I worried he would just shoot me in the head, but he finally spoke.

"Of course, pal..." he said, his voice anything but genuine, "Whatever you think is best, I will see to it. Now... we gonna rob a train?"

"Sure," I said, he patted my shoulder and walked towards the others.

"We will survive, we will flourish," he said before addressing everyone, "We have work to do my friends, let's go. Come on, we are gonna borrow a little money from Old Uncle Sam, and be outta his hair, once and for all."

He led the way to the horses and everyone stood, following him without question. I could have sworn I saw him muttering under his breath, his head shaking slightly. I had really pushed the boundaries, he was beside himself with anger.

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