17: Horsemen, Apocalypse

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I rode into town, not looking back. My parents were somewhat surprised to see me, but I quickly explained the situation without going into too much detail of why I was going with them now. I just said we decided it would look better for me to arrive with my parents than with four dangerous-looking men.

We went dress shopping, I was bought a light blue puffy dress and I frankly detested it, but I knew that if I was to fit in I would just have to suck it up. I was determined to prove to Dutch that I was sorry for what I had said, and turning up to a party in my usual gear was certainly not the way to go about that.

We rode in a carriage to the mayor's house, and we were greeted then escorted inside, though I already noticed I was being given some looks. Of course, most people knew my parents had lost their child, so my reappearance was most likely the talk of the town. As soon as we entered, I saw Arthur, who gave me a surprised look before walking over to me.

"Dutch is gonna be mad," he whispered, forcing a small smile at my parents.

"I don't care," I replied, "Dutch needs to grow up."

"He won't make a scene here, but he will at camp," he warned, "We just finished talking to Angelo Bronte, so I don't know where he's gone now, but he will see you."

"What has he asked you to do?" I asked, ignoring him.

"Just find any information on how we can get money," he sighed before looking straight at my parents, "Well, lovely to see you both. I hope you have a good evening. And you do look lovely, Annie."

"What did Arthur want?" my father asked.

"He was just letting me know the plan," I smiled at them, "So, how do these things work?"

"Mingle," my mother laughed, "Make contacts and try to pretend to be a Lady."

I grinned at them both before making my way into the guests, grabbing a champagne flute in my way past. I hadn't spotted anyone other than Arthur, but I could imagine the looks I would soon be getting from the boys when they recognised me. For now, I decided it was best to mingle and get some info.

"You're Ann Wright, correct?" A voice behind me spoke and I whipped around. It was a young man around my age, with short brown hair and shining blue eyes, grinning at me, "I'm Harry Taylor."

"Nice to meet you, Mr Taylor," I smiled back at him, "May I ask, how do you know me?"

"You're the talk of the town," he laughed, "Girl punches high-class politician, ends up on the gallows, turns out she's equally high class! It's not an everyday story!"

"I guess you're right," I laughed, "I'm good at getting myself in trouble, so I'm sure you'll be hearing more soon."

"Well, I must say, I was very impressed by what you did," he said, "Not many people would have stood up to him, let alone females. It's good he finally got what was coming to him."

"I'll be honest, Mr Taylor, I act before I think," I smiled, "But I like to think in these moments I do make the right decisions."

"Please, call me Harry," he said, "I certainly would say you do, though I am glad you didn't actually get yourself hung. Or I wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting you."

"Is that so?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I hope you'll forgive my forwardness," he laughed slightly, "But it's refreshing for a change to see a girl who thinks for herself. Women have been tricked into thinking they should be seen and not heard, so I'm glad to have met a woman who not only thinks for herself, but also acts how she sees fit as well."

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