32: Do Not Seek Absolution

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Unfortunately, my happiness was short-lived. I was under the incorrect impression that perhaps my imminent marriage had made Dutch see things differently, reconsider the plans that he was making, but that was clearly wishful thinking.

He had sent Arthur and John to use their dynamite and blow up Bacchus Bridge. To make a lot of smoke, send a message. In my eyes, it was just attention we didn't need, and another mess to clean up.

I felt I needed to get away from camp again, before I really blew up at Dutch, and headed for Annesburg. I just needed to find a bar and have a drink, clear my head a bit.

As I was riding into town, I recognised a face I didn't think I'd ever see again, especially not in Annesburg.

"Mrs Downes?" I asked, incredulous.

She was leaning against a pillar, trying to look enticing to the workers passing her by.

"Go away, just go away," her face contorted with anger when she saw me, and she moved backwards.

"I'm sorry," I coughed, "I'm really sorry, but I... well..."

"Well, you're sorry," she said angrily, "Yeah, I heard you."

"But..." I sighed, "I mean... I-I... This country is man unleashed. That's the thing, and it ain't my fault more than is anyone else's!"

"Man unleashed?" she interrupted, glaring at me, "Then unleash goodness, not just hell's feeble brother, miss."

"But how?" I asked, shaking my head, "I mean, all I know how to do is fight, I guess... I was set free to fight. Where's your son, Mrs Downes?"

"Where you think?" she snarled, "Down the mine, until he gets sick... which won't be long given how hard they work him. See, foreman don't like him, so he gets the worst of it."

"Well, maybe I could go and..." I began, guilt settling in the pit of my stomach.

"Maybe you could just leave us all alone," she cried, "Maybe... maybe you could just go fight some other battle."

I didn't reply, I simply nodded and stared ahead at the road. I was gonna go get her son, it was only right. This whole thing, it was my fault. I couldn't fix it, but maybe I could do something to ease the pain of my actions for them.

I headed for the mine, cursing myself for my past. But I was suffering for it, no doubt about that. And I couldn't complain, I chose to beat a sick man, this is the consequences I had earned.

I came up to the mine entrance and dismounted, seeing a group of men gathered at the mouth of it. I recognised one of them - Archie Downes.

"Hey boy, your mom's a whore, little boy," one of the men was taunting him.

"Be quiet, Mr Dockery," Archie said, his back pushed against the wall.

"Why don't you shut up?" I said, and they all turned to me, muttering amongst themselves.

"Who is this?" the man I assumed was the foreman asked.

"She's... she's the reason my daddy is dead. What are you doing here?" he asked, clearly unhappy to see me.

"Leave the boy alone," I said to the foreman.

"Why you kill his daddy? You got some friends who want his momma or something?" he shoved Archie and I tried to swallow my anger.

"Stop bullying the boy," I warned.

"Get outta my business, miss," he turned his attention back to Archie.

"Leave the boy alone," I said once more, losing my patience.

"Or what?" the foreman advanced on me and I spat at his feet.

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